Bill Gates
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Bill's chart wheel

Bill Gates

October, 28th 1955 Local Time 10:00 PM Universal Time 6:00 AM on the 29th

Seattle, WA 47°36'N, 122°20'W

Bill Gates

October, 28th 1955 Local Time 10:00 PM Universal Time 6:00 AM on the 29th

Seattle, WA 47°36'N, 122°20'W

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Career Analysis

Your Career Analysis will help you decide on your choice of career. There are three categories: Profession, Business & Ambitions - Employment & Work Skills - Earning Capacity & Financial Skill.

Each category has four sections in which both the positive and negative qualities of your career prospects are detailed. The contradictions that appear indicate how multifaceted your career prospects are. This complexity points to your uniqueness.

Your career potential and the career advice offered are not set in stone. When the analysis is positive; you need to apply effort and direction. When the analysis points to difficulties; guidance, direction and setting up boundaries will be important for you.

This analysis is suitable for anybody age sixteen onwards. How you achieve your career and professional ambitions, the jobs you undertake and the financial benefits you receive in the process are detailed in the three categories below and the sections that follow - read them carefully:

Overall Outlook

How you behave, here we see how the attributes you possess influence your professional aspirations, working life and potential success; your general attitude towards your career.

Profession, Business & Ambition

Your ambitions and aspirations that determine whether you wish to be a professional and the type of profession that is suitable for you is outlined; what will help you fulfil your ambitions and career aspirations, and your chances of success.
Profession & Business - the circumstances that shape your professional life
Professional Ambition - underlying ambition that drives your career
Professional Opportunities & Challenges - what helps or hinders your ambition
Professional Evaluation - summarises your chances of success

Employment & Work Skills

How you naturally spend your time and the hobbies that could lead to employment. Your job prospects and attitude to employment; how you spend your time while building a career is explored here.
Employment & Work - the circumstances that shape your employment
Work Skills - underlying skills that drive your work
Work Opportunities & Challenges - what helps or hinders your employment
Employment Evaluation - summarises your employment success

Earning Money & Financial Skill

Everyone likes to be well paid for their work and career efforts. Your ability to earn and accumulate personal wealth is discussed; how you can increase this wealth is indicated and any extravagances are pointed out.
Earning Money - the circumstances that shape your earning money
Financial Skills - underlying priorities that drives your earnings
Income Opportunities & Challenges - what helps or hinders your earning capacity
Income Evaluation - summarises your chances of earning well

Overall Outlook

How you behave, here we see how the attributes you possess influence your professional aspirations, working life and potential success; your general attitude towards your career.

Below Hemisphere Emphasis - Extroverted

Professionally you fall into the subjective and domestic classification; you experience the business world from a very personal and subjective viewpoint. Career decisions are based on personal biases and unconscious influences; as opposed to an objective viewpoint. When you find a secure profession you then become successful through the businesses that support and help people. Business decisions are based on your gut reactions and feelings, not exactly a traditional business approach but it works for you.

Bill you are most comfortable working behind the scenes in a large corporation, where you feel anonymous and secure, safe in the corporate identity. You may feel peculiarly disorientated and confused when you are forced out of your professional comfort zone. Public presentations may be particularly nerve wracking, relax go with your feelings and you present well.

Leadership is expressed subtly, in the background; it is important that people and especially you understand this. Otherwise, you may continually try to project yourself into the business world and fail. To succeed in your career you need to develop social skills and emotional detachment. You easily dominate your work environment, but have difficulties outside the office with assertion.

Introverted Feeling Type

Professionally you are unsure about your planning abilities and academic qualifications. To communicate you use sensitivity. Bill you adapt to business through your feelings though in an unobtrusive way. This makes it difficult to understand you professionally since the saying "still waters run deep" applies to you. In your career and profession you take a high moral and ethical stand although this may not be expressed. You are aware of the problems created by multi-nationals unethical business practices and are often found in the background of some important social event.

You influence your work surroundings and set the standard not by saying anything, but by adopting a certain manner, forming the moral backbone of your business and social world. You are so correct, you positively influence others, but in a subtle way. Professionals are forced to be decent and proper in your company. You have that uncanny knack of making colleagues feel guilty, especially if you think they are doing something unethical.

You are interested in a lot of business ideas. While you sit quietly, your mind is deliberating. However when you try to plan, you become overwhelmed by too many facts and get lost in a mass of information. This does not bode well for business planning as you are sensitive to any criticism of your academic or intellectual ability. It is helpful if you scale down the detail of your professional ideas.

Learn to be simple, strong and lucid in your thinking at work. When you stray from simplicity you need more data and end up digging deeper, try to be more specific and stay focused on the topic at hand. All you need to do is see that each fact you quote, illustrates your professional ideas in a constructive way. Thus, your business ideas keep being reformulated and you stay in touch rather than being dictatorial and imposing your professional views on the business.

Cardinal Disposition

An opportunist in business, you are an entrepreneur, a "go getter" and self-starter. Loving action you always seem be caught up in professional "crisis situations", and become known for being a problem solver. You tirelessly throw yourself into projects with little regard for the consequences of your activities; or the impact you have on others. Professionally craving excitement and recognition, you are dependent on the "here and now" of any work situation. Since you are action oriented, ambitious and opportunistic, everything in your career is created by you to satisfy your ambition, need for action and excitement. Boredom at work is you enemy!

At your best you take constructive action, while at your worst you cause trouble in your career just for your amusement.

Lack of Earth element

Being impractical you may not understand fundamental basics principals of business, this is your need for capital, training, work skills and products to trade. These you may neglect. In other words you tend to be ungrounded and find it difficult with the practicalities of everyday business. As a result, you may often not see much physical result for your efforts. You easily loose stability and your footing in business and you may try to cover up for this lack by being too neat or exact.

Profession, Business & Ambition

Your ambitions and aspirations that will determine whether you wish to be a professional and the type of profession or business that is suitable for you is outlined as well as what will help you accomplish your ambitions and career aspirations, and your chances of being successful.

Profession & Business

The circumstances that determine your choice of profession and shape your desire to make something of yourself and have a prominent career - your ambition; or the conditions that force a career upon you and the subsequent public recognition; are described here. This is refined further by the sections that follow.

Single focus in 10th House

You should be fortunate and successful as long as you don't succumb to any problems. It is important that you pursue your ambition with single minded intent.

Moon in 10th House or Conjunct Midheaven

Success or lack of it affects you emotionally, from early on Bill you have been ambitious, you have a powerful craving to be at the top and publicly recognized, and will do almost anything to obtain that, ignoring other areas of your life. It's especially important that your mother recognizes you, and that women appreciate you. You assume that you're the best, and should be rewarded as a result; criticism is hard for you to take.

This creates an inflated ego, be mindful that you're very affected by what people think of you. Almost unconsciously you pursue your ambition, instinctively being in the right place or meeting the right people to advance your prospects. However, you may not have the endurance to maintain a place at the top without artificial props.

Your choice of career is influenced by your mother's ambitions for you. This career puts you in the public eye, a role you mostly enjoy. Therefore, you're suited to politics and any career that demands a public performance. You're a natural in business, although not as secure as it might be, any profession that involves caring, working with women, feeling, families, cooking and land is suitable for you. Your problem is that you're often driven by ego and that will undermine your credibility eventually, be humble.

Comfortably placed Moon in 10th House or Conjunct Midheaven

Emotionally secure in your profession and with good family contacts you find your career is rewarding; the dynamic here is well balanced, it is not all fortunate or problematic and you achieve a happy medium in your business life. There is always help when you need it or challenges when you become too arrogant and over confident.

Professional Ambition

Everybody is born with a core ambition, whether that is for greatness and fame, or as a leader, or someone who wishes to serve society – forgoing recognition. Ambition connects you with society as other people share similar ambitions.

Saturn in Scorpio

Integrating the ambition for power and control into your personal goals is an intense and passionate experience. You're driven by the desire for ultimate control and authority which dominates your professional and social life. Bill you want to be the power behind the throne or the dictator. What a time you have with your peers, in a way they may be quite cruel with each other. You love the power plays and intensity that these bring, you need to learn to use that power; by sharing yourself and your resources you will find true power.

Therefore, working in the finance market where you make money for other people suits you. Accounting, tax, banking and high finance, futures -trading, stock-market, and insurance and superannuation portfolios attract you. On the human side nuclear medicine, surgery and psychotherapy satisfies your desire to get below the surface and heal having the power of life and death over others, the occult has the same attrition.

This gives a fascination with life and death. Undertaking can be a career, or investigating death as a detective, coroner, and pathologist. Simply a private investigator will do, you are good at finding out what people want and helping them achieve that. That makes consultancy work a viable career option. Professionally sex will feature a lot, and people's passionate feelings will interest you this makes you an ideal psychotherapist.

Saturn in 5th House

Your duty is to have fun and celebrate life, failure to do so means you will fall well short of your goals. Your desire to be famous and a star exert an influence over your choice of career. At heart you're an artist or actor loving to perform and be the focus of attention. Therefore, your vocation is to be a professional performer or entertainer. This gives you several career paths - theatre, sports or working with children.

Always a child at heart you lack the necessary management skills to be a business person. If you become famous you will need a manager. Learn to be creative and to follow your heart. Then your career naturally follows. You're keen to succeed in sports and could be a professional athlete. Your love of risk and tendency to chance your arm, point to a speculator or futures trader as a possible alternative career path. Maybe a professional gambler, at your worst you become a reckless gambler.

Challenges to Saturn in 5th House

Egotism or lack of professional confidence indicates that this can be a troublesome area of your business life. You encounter problems and as a result, may find it difficult to be successful in your career. You may become reckless and take ill-considered gambles. You have difficulty in accepting this and should pay attention to the advice you receive and develop routine, patience and a positive attitude.

Professional Opportunities & Challenges

The qualities that help or hinder your business success are listed here. Previously your ambition was defined, now we look at the influences that alter and shape your ambition further, what knowledge you've accumulated that assists you Bill in achieving professionally and socially as well as any obstacles that may prevent this success. There will be contradictions showing how complex you are in professional and business matters. How the statements support or contradict each other indicate the type of experience you will have in your attempts to be successful.

Obstacles with Saturn Square Pluto

This may not necessarily affect you personally but simply apply to the generation you were born into, who generally has an intense desire for power and control, making them appear rather dictatorial and less easily accepted socially than they might be, undermining any ambitions. They may well destroy their own career and reputation by being overly ambitious and take improper steps to achieve their goals. They may be overly forceful when trying to achieve their ambitions.

Obstacles with Jupiter Square Saturn

Over-confidence can cause you problems professionally. In life you have to learn restraint otherwise you aim too high and suffer the consequences when you don't achieve all you set out to. You are either too confident or are rather negative about your abilities. It is important that you find a middle way, otherwise your self-assurance socially and professionally suffers, with the subsequent lack of faith in your ability to succeed becoming a problem.

You often appear so certain that you can do the job, but need to make sure you have the adequate skills or time to complete it. You simply don't know your limitations and need to learn these. Be realistic and develop the business, management and planning skills you need to succeed. Once you know these and can work with them, your confidence will grow. Then you can accomplish your potential as a manager. You are very ambitious.

Stimulating circumstances with Venus Conjunct Saturn

You're unsure of what price to put on your people skills and artistic talents and this can cause some frustration in your career. Professionally you tend to undervalue yourself and then don't feel appreciated for what you do. As a result you can develop a rather negative attitude toward work and your colleagues, which results in you isolating yourself from the very people who could help you achieve your ambition.

Learn to mix with others more and develop contacts that are useful to you, making sure you cultivate the right type of professional contact and avoid any that are clearly unsuitable. Otherwise you appear to others as just a social climber who lacks sincerity.

Promising circumstances with Saturn Trine Ascendant

The ideal professional, you know exactly what you want and that is to contribute to something that you find important. Significantly you are focused on achieving material success and distinction. You don't always have to make the final decisions. A menial job is unsatisfactory for you. You respond well to instructions and can pass them on. Working in a service industry is suitable. Because you are a consistent worker who is thorough and responsible you advance in your career. Your employers reward you for this consistency and your loyalty.

Professional Evaluation

The list above may have left you confused because of the contradictions they pose, here we will explain that. What sort of professional are you? The circumstances that shape your professional attitudes and business prospects have been described. Now, we see how fortunate this is for you; what aids and assists you with your career, indicating how you can make the most of your chances of being successful in business or a profession. This gives an evaluation of your core business skills and any problems you may encounter. Are you focused or distracted?

Heavily Aspected Saturn

Your 'Curriculum Vitae' is very impressive. Your choice of a career and developing one is a very complex and is powerfully influenced by your father, authority figures and the drive for success; being at the top of your profession is a paramount drive. Your ambitions are shaped by almost every area of your life they drive all your activities. This indicates a great deal of diversity and professional ability.

Therefore, everything you do is motivated by the desire to have a career, be an authority and respected socially. It is important then that you pay particular attention to this whole section on ambition; if you get this right all your other interests will be successful, get it wrong and you're in danger of feeling like a failure.

Aspects to Saturn mostly challenging

Bill you may have difficulty in achieving your ambitions because of obstacles that you meet along the way. However, this may be just the incentive you need for success. But if you're not careful you can easily develop a negative attitude, due to your lack of success and prefer not try rather than fail. Then you become your own worst enemy.

Therefore, it's necessary that you to learn how to be persistent, plan, be self-disciplined, realistic and deal with disappointment. Stay out of the blame game and be responsible for your actions. You need to be positive and avoid any negative mind-set that you might develop. Your relationship with your father has left you with an austere outlook of the world, seeking advice about this would be beneficial and help you to turn this attitude to your advantage.

Employment & Work Skills

How you naturally spend your time and the hobbies that could lead to employment. Your job prospects and attitude to employment; how you spend your time while building a career is explored here.

Employment & Work

Work is defined as how you spend your time. This can be the different tasks you are responsible for in your professional capacity, or a job that you do that serves or supports other professionals; in a hobby; or your daily routines and rituals; interestingly it could simply be focusing on your health (satisfactory employment and good routine creates good health). Some of us start their working life with an apprenticeship, before working their way up to being a master. We've just explored what it is like for you to be master (your profession). Now we look at the menial tasks you are destined to perform that support your professional calling and provide you with employment. What type of employee are you?

No planets in 6th House

Circumstances have left you free to choose your work; all indicators are that you're not driven by the need to work and help or to serve. You will most likely find your employment comes from one of your passions. Your personal aptitude for method and routine will dictate your employment. Other interests lead you to a job, the section "Work Skills" will give you a fuller description of your job.

Sagittarius on Cusp of 6th House

You find yourself spending your time pursuing hobbies or other interests. Therefore, employment and job satisfaction comes from the time you spend on other activities. You occupy yourself being relaxed and laid back; taking job opportunities when they come. You are always confident you will be ok, and take employment as it comes.

Your interest in travel, education, philosophy and religion will lead to employment and maybe a permanent job. For you, working for a living is a journey of discovery and learning. Therefore, you need education or to educate others to increase your employment prospects. Law and publishing may also provide work for you.

Work Skills

Your aptitude for following a methodical approach to a task and your ability to maintain a routine is outlined here. The employment you are best suited to and the details of further skill sets. Everybody spends there time somehow; some people idle it away; professionals spend it on tasks that meet their responsibilities; others spend their time going to work; others on a hobby that leads to employment; while others spend it serving others. Here we look at the specific way you spend your time and the work skill that you are born with.

Mercury in Libra

The sense of justice, relationships skills and eye for beauty equip you for work in areas where you show clients how to be happy and appreciate beauty, people, possessions and life. Therefore, your love of harmony and balance; general good taste and style; and skill in working with the public makes you a superb consultant. If your work has these qualities this is where you will apply yourself. You hate working in a dirty and unpleasant environment. Strangely you do like a routine and order, enjoying the regularity that a job brings to your life.

Your eye for form and beauty and your attention to detail makes you an excellent designer, clothes or interiors. There are occupations like personal shopper, that's you. Because you love to work at making people happy, you may find employment in the beauty industry, or arts and crafts. Your love of justice and fair play suits you to being a relationship advisor. Other areas you are suited to working in are with agriculture, fine food, budgeting and apparel. Spending hours in a clothing shop, dressing people is fun for you.

Bill you are a great salesperson when it comes to making someone look attractive, dress well, decorate their home, etc. People like you and trust your decisions. Because you listen, you are a natural advisor with excellent taste.

Mercury in 4th House or Conjunct Nadir

Your personal approach is much more clear-cut, your attention to detail, methodical approach to work and ability to maintain a routine is achieved through your feelings, family and home life, your choice of work is also affected by them. Therefore you need to have a job that works with emotions and caring for people, or working with children and families - a social worker. You're very comfortable working, you need the regular routine that work brings Bill without work you feel pretty unsure of yourself. Therefore employment is a real need, you derive a great deal of security and comfort from a regular routine and a job.

Naturally you seek a job where you care for people and nurture them, this indicates a health worker, social welfare and early childhood development. An extension of this would be fostering children as you'll always work caring for people - as your children. A cleanliness fanatic you're very particular about how you do things and fuss a lot. In finding the right sort of employment you have taken your lead from your mother.

Other fields that provide suitable employment are in a service industry with food, hotels, property maintenance, gardening and kitchen design. Your natural empathy and desire to help makes you a good therapist of some kind. You especially work well with women and the public.

Comfortably placed Mercury in 4th House or Conjunct Nadir

Because you pay attention to detail, are able to follow a routine and confident in your work skills, the dynamic here is well balanced, it is not all fortunate or problematic and you achieve a happy medium within your working life. There is always help when you need it or challenges when you become too arrogant and over confident.

Work Opportunities & Challenges

What work skills do you possess that will help or hinder your employment prospects? These are listed here. We have defined your skills and now Bill we look how you use them in achieving employment and any obstacles that may prevent this. There are contradictions here, this is the complexity that is your everyday working life; it demonstrates how complex work is for you. How these statements support or contradict each other will show the type of worker you are.

Stimulating circumstances with Mercury Conjunct Mars

Much of your energy is directed towards work, though your efforts do not always turn out as well as you would like. You need to pace yourself much better, you are energetic when you approach a task but may falter, being rather rash and over-enthusiastic at first and then running out of energy at the end.

Your mission is to learn to pace yourself when applying yourself to a task. You are either an energetic person who is highly motivated - or somebody who is troublesome and quarrels with your boss and colleagues. Your skills could be used in investigative work, as an investment analyst or in banking. Alternatively, if other skills suggest a more practical application, you could work in mechanical engineering.

Work Evaluation

The list above may have left you confused because of the contradictions they pose, here we will explain that. What sort of worker are you? The circumstances that shape your work attitudes and employment prospects have been described. Now, we see how fortunate this is for you; what aids and assists you with employment, indicating how you can make the most of your chances of successful employment and wealth. This gives an evaluation of your core work skills and any problems you may encounter. Are you focused or distracted?

Few aspects to Mercury

Bill you have limited skills in your choice of work, you're likely to find employment in the area already described. You're a specialist with a singular skill that suits you to a niche market. Choosing the type of work that suits you is uncomplicated. There's no choice, you were destined to work with one skill only.

The advantage is you remain focused on your job with, no distractions; the disadvantage is that you're not adaptable when presented with different tasks or job changes. You need to increase your employment skills and experience to be more competitive.

There are two main areas of focus in your life work and the rest of your life, work is a distinctly separate experience and does not encroach on other activities or pastimes. At work the specialist ability you possess may mean that you lack experience and others skills. You need to develop your skill base to compliment the specialist ability you possess. You may need help from vocational training to define what those extra skills are, so you can maintain your competiveness in the work place.

Alternatively, you may be happy to just have an ordinary job, even not work at all; letting the other more skilled people do the complicated work. At your best you have specialist ability in the matters mentioned earlier.

Aspects to Mercury both helpful and challenging

The skills that help you find job satisfaction and any obstacles that frustrate you at work offset each other. This will probably lead to successful employment and job satisfaction. You have some good work skills and perform them well, making you an attractive employee; whilst at other times you're stressed and frustrated at work, not doing so well.

You're never complacent or overwhelmed by your work or any of your tasks, the stress gives you a dynamic edge, the desire to keep your skills current with the trends in your chose career.

This provides opportunities for rewarding employment and satisfaction of a job well done. Your employment prospects are continually improving because of this and as a result you can avoid the trap of being lazy. You're a desirable employee. You're able to recover quickly when work problems arise and you're realistic about your abilities.

Earning Money & Financial Skill

Everyone likes to be well paid for their work and career efforts. Your ability to earn and accumulate personal wealth is discussed; how you can increase this wealth is indicated and any extravagances are pointed out.

Earning Money

We all need money to live and we all earn money and spend it. This section looks at how you earn your living, what talents you have for handling wealth and what services you offer. What exactly people will pay you for. It also touches on what your values are and your priorities; someone with a clearly defined value system, that drives their priorities, will always have money and avoid wasteful spending. They will be happy. Failure to define your values and set your priorities leads to financial mismanagement, waste and unhappiness.

More than one planet in 2nd house

Identifying exactly how you will earn your money is complex as there are several indicators of what your talents are for earning and creating wealth. Generally it's a combination of what is presented here, even though there may conflicting statements. Therefore, you will need to pay particular attention to this section. It is as though you're driving a chariot with many horses and they may want to go in different directions; you need to keep them focused.

You're eager for wealth and have several talents to assist you achieving your desires. You're someone who needs to learn about money. The next section "Earning Skills" will show you where to make your money

Jupiter in 2nd House

Bill you're lucky financially, you always seem to have enough money, although you may spend it just as fast. You're capable of earning a fortune but also of squandering it as well. Being rather lackadaisical about money, you can be somewhat careless and loose out with your money and have difficulty in not taking it seriously enough. Spending it when you have it and saving it when you do not.

You have expensive tastes and need plenty of money to finance your grand ideas and lavish life style. The talents you have for earning a living are in farming and land development. Other possible talents are teaching art and fashion in universities and publishing food and wine articles or leading appreciation classes at your local school. Tourism or a tour guide is also suitable as you value travel, freedom and education more than material wealth.

Challenges to Jupiter in 2nd House

Over confident and with unclear priorities you encounter problems earning a good salary and may find it difficult to be financially secure. You have difficulty in accepting this and should pay attention to the advice you receive and develop routine, patience and a positive attitude. You may lack consistency always changing your mind or direction, this causes complications with work, it's important that you concentrate on the task at hand.

Pluto in 2nd House

Secretive about money and how you come by it, you see money as power and will be obsessive about obtaining wealth, take care, as obsession can corrupt you, leading you to seek illegal ways to make money. There are no half measures with earning a living for you Bill. This is where you experience the power struggles in your life. At your best you can excel yourself and earn a good living while at your worst you resort to stealing or underhand means to get it. You need to learn the correct attitude towards wealth.

You can earn a living through big business, taxation, banking, high finance, nuclear medicine, surgery, consultancy and the sex industry are also suitable sources of income or political lobbying and industrial relations. Even recycling - you know that there's money in waste/rubbish. Your love of secrets equips you for earning an income through scientific or criminal investigation, pathologist or a coroner, and with an interest in death, to undertaking. You could be a real scrooge or a potential millionaire.

Comfortably placed Pluto in 2nd House

Powerful and intense about your ability to earn you're confident in you earning capacity the dynamic here is well balanced, it is not all fortunate or problematic and you achieve a happy medium in your financial circumstances. There is always help when you need it or challenges when you become too arrogant and over confident.

Financial Skills

The values that dictate your earning and spending are detailed here. The development of these values is the secret to personal wealth. Your particular taste and style is defined; taste in art, music, food, clothing and personal adornment, it is by nurturing these tastes you display a talent, a quality or service that people are attracted to and willing to pay for. These attributes signal the way you earn money.

Venus in Scorpio

Earning a living is approached with passion and intensity. Loving money with such a passion you are secretive about money and how you come by it. You see money as power and will be obsessive about obtaining wealth. Take care as your obsession can corrupt you, and you seek illegal ways to make money. There are no half measures with earning a living for you Bill. This is where you experience the power struggles in your life. At your best you can excel yourself and earn a good living while at your worst you resort to stealing or underhand means to get it. You need to learn the correct attitude towards wealth.

You can earn a living through big business, taxation, banking, high finance, nuclear medicine, surgery, consultancy and the sex industry, or political lobbying and industrial relations; all are suitable sources of income. Even recycling you know that there's money in rubbish. Your love of secrets equips you for earning a living through scientific or criminal investigation or criminal investigation, or as a pathologist, a coroner, or in undertaking.

You could be a real scrooge or a potential millionaire with the help of your partner. You are talented at investing capital and working the stock market. You have good consultancy skills and that should bring you wealth. You have a tendency to steal because of your obsession with money. Learn about money and how to earn it and invest it.

Venus in 5th House

Loving money you're confident Bill about being paid well for your talents. You like to play with money and become somewhat of a gambler or speculator to increase your wealth. So when you have fun you make money. Making money is where you're creative. You take great pride in a grand bank balance or financial portfolio, loving beautiful clothes accessories and possessions, your taste it quite flashy. Show business beckons and love of the theatre and drama indicate sources of income.

Being a talented artist, dancer and singer, the best sources of income for you is craft, art, the theatre, children and speculation. On a less exciting level banking may suffice.

Challenges to Venus in 5th House

Wanting to please others your lack of confidence with unclear priorities you encounter problems earning a good salary and may find it difficult to be financially secure. You have difficulty in accepting this and should pay attention to the advice you receive and develop routine, patience and a positive attitude. You may lack consistency always changing your mind or direction, this causes complications with work, it's important that you concentrate on the task at hand.

Income Opportunities & Challenges

The values and priorities you have that help or hinder your accumulation of wealth. We have defined your values and now Bill we look at how you use them in achieving wealth and the obstacles you encounter that may prevent this. There are contradictions here, this is the complexity that is your financial world; it demonstrates how complex earning money is for you. How these statements support or contradict each other will indicate the degree to which your finances fluctuate.

Obstacles with Venus Square Jupiter

You have no problem earning money, but seem to waste it when you get it, or you overspend. You have expensive taste and never have the money to satisfy your life style and you entice other people into helping you out. But if you do not learn some restraint you'll always be asking people to loan you money, and always be in debt.

Stimulating circumstances with Venus Conjunct Saturn

Learn to lighten up financially. This is a sensitive area of your life, you are either too reluctant to spend your money or do not manage your finances as well as you could and may as a result develop a poverty mentality. You feel there is never enough funding, that you are under resourced.

When you feel this way is when you become penny-pinching and possessive. On the other hand you can waste what's given to you, believing your parents should provide for you. You need to learn budgeting and money management. It is your father's attitudes towards money that affects you. To prosper you need to learn to value yourself, to do that identify what it is most important to you.

Promising circumstances with Venus Trine Ascendant

You manage money well and always seem to get enough when you need it. You do not waste it nor do you deprive yourself, you are very good at budgeting.

Income Evaluation

The list above may have left you confused because of the contradictions they pose, here we will explain that. Will you be rich or will you be a spend thrift? Your ability to earn money has been described, now we see how fortunate this will be for you; what aids and assists you with your earning money and increasing your wealth, indicating how you can make the most of your chances of being financially secure. An evaluation of your core financial priorities and any problems you may encounter. Do you have the ability to put your priorities into practice or do you compromise them?

Four or more aspects to Venus

Your talent for earning a living and increasing your wealth is impressive. Earning a living and accumulating money is a complex area of your life and is influenced by your taste and style and love of beautiful things, your developed aesthetic taste. Your desire to earn and be rich is driven by almost every interest you have; your financial situation impacts all your activities.

Be aware that money could be a dominant driving force and you do everything you can just to be rich, then be seen as overly materialistic, missing out on other pleasures of life. A lot of what you do is motivated by the desire for wealth and to live in a beautiful world.

It is important that you pay particular attention to this whole section on wealth and acquiring money; if you get this right your other interests will benefit, get it wrong and you're in danger of being poor because you're too grasping and have confused priorities. You like people and the good things of life, you're expensive. Refining your taste improves your financial situation.

Venus predominantly challenging aspects

Bill you have had difficulty with money from an early age. These difficulties arise because you want wealth and the good things, but have no idea of the value of money and how to use it wisely. Feeling there's never enough for you or you're far too impatient to save for something you want. This frustrates you and you waste what you have saved. This keeps you from acquiring money. All you want is to have enough money to satisfy your expensive tastes.

You may do whatever you can to get that money, as a result you compromise or put at risk other interests. You need to learn to save money and to work for it, and to value what you have. Otherwise you could become a greedy, jealous and possessive individual. To increase your wealth, define what you value in life and find worthwhile then make these activities a priority, wealth is bound to follow.


Bill's Planetary Positions

October, 28th 1955 Local Time 10:00 PM Universal Time 6:00 AM on the 29th

Seattle, WA 47°36'N, 122°20'W


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Squares Uranus
Sun Conjuncts Neptune
Sun Quincunx MidHeaven
Sun Semisquare North Node
Sun Squares Chiron
Moon Opposes Mars
Moon Sesquiquadrate Saturn
Moon Trines Uranus
Moon Conjuncts MidHeaven
Mercury Conjuncts Mars
Mercury Sextiles North Node
Venus Squares Jupiter
Venus Conjuncts Saturn
Venus Trines Ascendant
Venus Sesquiquadrate MidHeaven
Mars Opposes Moon
Mars Conjuncts Mercury
Mars Opposes MidHeaven
Jupiter Squares Venus
Jupiter Squares Saturn
Jupiter Sextiles Neptune
Jupiter Conjuncts Pluto
Jupiter Semisextile Ascendant
Saturn Sesquiquadrate Moon
Saturn Conjuncts Venus
Saturn Squares Jupiter
Saturn Squares Pluto
Saturn Trines Ascendant
Saturn Sesquiquadrate MidHeaven
Uranus Squares Sun
Uranus Trines Moon
Uranus Squares Neptune
Uranus Conjuncts Ascendant
Uranus Trines MidHeaven
Uranus Sesquiquadrate North Node
Uranus Opposes Chiron
Neptune Conjuncts Sun
Neptune Sextiles Jupiter
Neptune Squares Uranus
Neptune Sextiles Pluto
Neptune Squares Ascendant
Neptune Squares Chiron
Pluto Conjuncts Jupiter
Pluto Squares Saturn
Pluto Sextiles Neptune
Pluto Semisextile Ascendant
Pluto Quincunx Chiron
Ascendant Semisextile Jupiter
Ascendant Trines Saturn
Ascendant Conjuncts Uranus
Ascendant Squares Neptune
Ascendant Semisextile Pluto
Ascendant Opposes Chiron
MidHeaven Quincunx Sun
MidHeaven Conjuncts Moon
MidHeaven Sesquiquadrate Venus
MidHeaven Opposes Mars
MidHeaven Sesquiquadrate Saturn
MidHeaven Trines Uranus
North Node Semisquare Sun
North Node Sextiles Mercury
North Node Sesquiquadrate Uranus
Chiron Squares Sun
Chiron Opposes Uranus
Chiron Squares Neptune
Chiron Quincunx Pluto
Chiron Opposes Ascendant