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Madonna's chart wheel


August, 16th 1958 Local Time 7:05 AM Universal Time 12:05 PM

Bay City, Michigan, United States 43°35'N, 83°53'W


August, 16th 1958 Local Time 7:05 AM Universal Time 12:05 PM

Bay City, Michigan, United States 43°35'N, 83°53'W

All times based on current location of Bay City, Michigan, United States

Jump to Planetary Positions

Life Destiny

Hi Madonna,

Welcome to your Life Destiny, please check the birth details are correct. This report provides an assessment of your personality and character development by interpreting the different parts of your birth chart.

Your birth chart represents a map of the solar system for the exact time and place of your birth, it's a blueprint of your personality and represents a set of potentials, with the contents being added through the experiences of life.

Most people are aware of the Sun's zodiac sign that they were born under, however, it's not only the Sun sign that exerts a powerful influence over the birth chart and character. The Rising Sign, the Moon, the planets, the angles they form to each other, called 'aspects', their zodiac sign and house positions also play an important role.

As you read through this analysis, you will occasionally notice that contradictory information may be given. This is to be expected, as each individual's character is extremely complex. For example, at times we can be aggressive and confident, and at other times withdrawn and moody. And if planetary patterns seem to be repeated time and time again, that's because the analysis is focusing on a particular and very important strength or weakness within your character.

The birth chart is comprised of three basic factors.

1. The Planetary Aspects (angles) formed between the Sun, Moon and planets, as seen from the Earth, are represented by the lines in the center of your chart and the intensity is indicated by the number of stars each aspect is given in the report. Five Stars mean the aspect is a 'Close One'.

2. Each planet is located in a particular Sign of the Zodiac. The symbols for each Zodiac Sign are placed around the edge of the birth chart, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

3. Each planet is also located in a particular House, numbered 1 to 12 in the birth chart.

How the planetary positions of your birth chart relate to each other are interpreted on the following pages outlining your potential development. Your birth chart is indeed unique, although many people may have, for instance Mars in Scorpio, or Venus in Capricorn, and hence have certain traits in common, the number of ways in which the three factors of Planetary Aspects, Zodiac Signs and Houses can be combined is infinite.

The 'Aspects' are given a Star Rating from one to five to show their relative importance in the Profile. To the right of each pair of 'aspect' symbols is a group of five stars the more stars there are the more important the connection.

General Focus

Here is a detailed summary of the qualities attributed to the planets of your birth-chart. Collectively their influence has an effect on your personal character and temperament. It defines your general focus on the circumstances that confront you in your life.

Your character

Madonna's thoughtfulness

Air element weak

You need to develop and maintain your powers of self-expression and perception. Not that these faculties don't function, but you tend sometimes to let them slide and therefore, your capacity for insight and awareness can become subdued and clouded.

Madonna's dependability

Earth element strong

You are solid and dependable, having perseverance and staying power. You can endure situations, far longer than most, determined to see them through to the end. In fact, you often have the end in sight even before you begin. You are strongly sensual, in the sense of needing to feel the physical proof of things. That is, 'what can't be touched isn't real'. This applies equally to intellectual concepts, you like abstractions to be explained and made understandable in a logical, practical, way. When they are not, you can show your objection by becoming stubborn and uncooperative.

Madonna's emotions

Water element weak

You might find it difficult at times to relate to, and appreciate, others on an emotional and instinctive level. This may also apply to your experience of your own inner life. Try to maintain a more permanent sensitivity towards your own and others feelings.

Your temperament

Madonna's capabilities

Cardinal modality weak

You might at times lack that old get-up-and-go when action and initiative are called for. Therefore, you may find that you function best in already established surroundings, or when you are being managed by others.

Madonna's adaptability

Mutable element strong

You have a many-sided, even complex, psychology. This is reflected by your correspondingly erratic and nervous temperament. Your desire for, and pursuit of, change and variety may give you a reputation for instability and novelty-seeking.

Ascendant – How Others See You

The Ascendant represents the area of life concerned with your sense of self-identity, your personal appearance and the impression you give to others and how you are perceived by them.


Virgo rising

Efficient and well ordered, no detail is overlooked, with perfection being your goal. Nevertheless, if you can keep excessive nervous energy under control, then a great deal could be achieved throughout your life.


Ascendant Conjuncts Moon

You present a changing face to the world, sometimes understanding and sensitive, sometimes moody and irritable. However you are acutely aware of what others are feeling and respond instinctively to their moods. But at times this will leave you unsure about your own feelings.

You like to project a caring image, to make others feel secure and protect them from the world. Family and friends will come to you when they are in need of help and support and this in turn helps you feel needed and secure, but take care not to force help and advice when it's not required.


Ascendant Conjuncts Mercury

You have a lively intellect and you're interested in any piece of information that comes your way. You have a desire to learn as much as you can about the world, but you may have difficulty in being objective about what you learn, selecting only the information that is personally useful to you, or that fits in with your way of perceiving things.

You're not afraid to express your opinions, but occasionally you'll need to be tolerant of other people's opinions, which may be just as valid from their own point of view.

Sun - Willpower

The Sun represents your essential self, the focus of your being, indicating what you are striving to become as an individual.


Sun in Leo

Your basic nature is proud and generous, with a love of dramatic gestures. You have an innate loyalty and warmth and are generous and affectionate to those you love. You have a need to express yourself creatively and to be accepted for yourself.

You have the strength and determination to achieve your aims, once you have decided what they are. Your willpower is generally strong and once you have set your mind on a course of action you can carry it out with great enthusiasm. However, you'll also need to beware of a tendency to become fixed and dogmatic in your opinions, occasionally being rather intolerant of other people's faults and shortcomings. This arises from your intolerance of your own faults and shortcomings. You may refuse to acknowledge them, or if you do, refuse to live with them. Expecting perfection of yourself leads you to expect perfection in others.

Twelfth House – Surrender and Seclusion

The twelfth house represents surrendering to forces that are beyond your control, a higher power or ideal, greater self-understanding and spiritual goals. Institutions such as hospitals and prisons, where many people end up if the self-surrender described above is overdone, or made to the wrong ideals.



Sun in the 12th House

You're aware that your conscious self is only part of your total being and that below the surface is a more spiritual dimension. You're very sensitive to the atmosphere and feelings that surround you and this may manifest as some form of psychic ability. You would certainly benefit from some form of meditation that allows you to get in touch with the deeper levels of your mind.


Sun Squares Mars

You have a great deal of energy and drive and can work hard for long periods. However, when things don't happen to go your way, you can over-react and occasionally take your frustration out on friends, family and colleagues.

You're also impatient with any kind of restriction on your freedom, liking to do what you want when you want. But without the occasional compromise, this could inevitably cause conflicts.

Having said all this, this aspect also gives a tremendous drive to succeed in whatever it is you have set your heart on and a tireless energy that will eventually get you to your goal.


Sun Sextiles Jupiter

You have a sense of optimism and faith in life that will tend to offset any other pessimistic or depressive influences. No matter how difficult things may seem on the surface, you always feel that you'll pull through in the end.

You'll need to find some form of philosophy or religious system that will help you to understand the meaning of your experiences. You have a desire to learn as much as you can about the world and to expand your horizons through the accumulation of knowledge.


Sun Trines Saturn

You're able to work towards your goals with persistence, determination and self-discipline. You have ambition, but you don't feel the need to step on others in order to succeed. Because of this, others will be prepared to help you on your way because they won't feel threatened. You're able to handle responsibility and turn difficult situations into creative opportunities.

Moon - Habitual Feelings

The Moon represents the emotional and compassionate side of your nature and your immediate emotional reaction to life's pleasures and problems, indicating the attitudes that were instilled in early childhood.


Moon in Virgo

You have an instinctive need to help others. You should also have a fine sense of discrimination and a strong analytical ability. For example, you have a natural ability to separate a problem or situation into its component parts, and then see how they relate to each other. In this way you can be of help to others.

However, there may also occasionally be a tendency to worry too much, or to be overly critical if others don't come up to your perfectionist standards. You're a naturally tidy person, but this can be taken to extremes. In your domestic and emotional life, you may be rather conventional, probably as a result of your childhood experience of your mother.

First House – Self Identity and Natural Impulse

The first house represents the area of life concerned with your sense of self identity, your personality type; how you impact on others, your destiny in the making, personal appearance, temperament and manner, ethical and personal viewpoint, as well as natural impulse.


Attitudes, emotions and specific needs

Moon in the 1st House

You'll generally be seen as kind and sympathetic, the kind of person to whom people can turn to pour out their problems. You'll also be very sensitive to the atmospheres around you but at times, with your naturally receptive nature, you may have difficulty in separating your own moods and emotions from those you have picked up from your surroundings.

Emotional uncertainty

Moon Conjuncts Mercury

You have a strong imagination. You're able to absorb information quickly and therefore learning comes fairly easy to you.

However, your emotions may at times overrule your common sense, clouding your thinking and making it difficult for you to be rational and think clearly. At other times you may think too heavily about what should simply be experienced as an emotion. Try to achieve a balance between the two. The best thing to do is to go with the flow, go with how you feel.

Emotional understanding

Moon Trines Mars

You're generally tolerant of other people's shortcomings. You're also able to keep going even through periods of emotional upheaval as your relentless energy should provide an emotional strength and a determination to see things through.

This same quality enables you to give emotional support to friends when they're going through difficult times and you may find yourself being sought out for the understanding and strength that you have developed as a result of dealing with your own difficulties in the past.

Emotional balance

'Close One'

Moon Semisquare Jupiter

Your emotions can occasionally be rather fiery and unstable. There seems to be a conflict between your need for emotional support and sharing, and a need for independence. The end result of this conflict is that you often swing between feelings of dependence and independence, enthusiasm and depression. At times you may also have some difficulty in balancing your personal responsibilities with your professional ambitions, causing conflict within yourself and with those closest to you.

Your sympathy and understanding makes you generous towards others, but you may also occasionally be overly extravagant, spending money that you don't have, or buying on credit in anticipation of what's to come. In order to avoid getting into difficulties, you need to apply strict financial controls to yourself or at the very least, try to follow a sensible budget.

Emotional expression

Moon Squares Saturn

You may occasionally have a tendency to place duty and responsibility before your emotional needs. It may be that in your childhood not enough attention was given to your emotional needs, leaving you feeling that they are unimportant, or that they should be sacrificed to more practical concerns.

Perhaps you experienced your parents as being very critical or detached, or perhaps one or both of them was not there at all. As you grow older you'll learn to make your own criticisms of yourself and not take the opinions of others too much to heart. It's therefore important that you find some way of expressing yourself emotionally, and learn to listen to your heart as well as your head.

Acting intuitively

Moon Semisextile Uranus

You have the need for a considerable degree of freedom in your personal and emotional life. However, this need for freedom and independence does not combine well with your need for security. You may therefore occasionally break up secure and stable situations to seek out new experiences. This may not be too much of a problem for you but those close to you may find it difficult to understand.

You have a strong intuition and much of your knowledge comes through sudden insights that seem to come from deep within yourself, rather than as the result of logical analysis.

Mercury - Mind-set

Mercury represents your communication skills and the way you think and receive information from others.


Mercury in Virgo

Your mind is both practical and analytical. You're able to evaluate any issue or idea, reducing it to its component parts and seeing how all the parts fit together. This gives you an excellent managerial ability and an incisive intellect which, given time, can find the solution to any problem. This ability applies more to practical and material matters rather than emotional ones.

You have a strong critical ability, able to see the flaws and errors of logic in an opponent's arguments. You can, however, be over-critical and impatient with anyone whose thinking and ideas are more intuitively or emotionally oriented. Your nerves are highly strung and you'll therefore probably need to carry out some form of relaxation to prevent this taking its toll on your body.

Twelfth House – Surrender and Seclusion

The twelfth house represents surrendering to forces that are beyond your control, a higher power or ideal, greater self-understanding and spiritual goals. Institutions such as hospitals and prisons, where many people end up if the self-surrender described above is overdone, or made to the wrong ideals.


Communication skills

Mercury in the 12th House

You may occasionally find that you're influenced by irrational or disturbing thoughts rising up from the depths of your mind, resulting in panic attacks or the feeling that you are not always in control. However, whilst the unconscious is the dumping ground for experiences we would rather forget, and feelings we would rather not admit to, it can also be the source of creative imagination and inspiration.

You'll need to find some way of exploring your unconscious through meditation or psychotherapy. In this way you can bring to the surface the memories of unpleasant experiences so that they can be examined and dealt with. Clearing away accumulated psychic or emotional rubbish in this way will help you to gain control of your own thought processes and enable you to make creative use of your psychic sensitivity and powerful imagination.


Mercury Sextiles Neptune

You have a sensitive and intuitive mind, often sensing and seeing things that others may miss. You have a strong imagination with thoughts that can be inspired, but you don't generally waste time in daydreaming, as the ideas that come to you have to stand the test of reason. You're idealistic, but not unrealistic.

You need to plan some kind of goal to follow and possibly get into higher education in order to make the most of your imagination and understanding and open your mind to limitless possibilities; some formal training or discipline is needed.


Mercury Conjuncts Pluto

Your mind has a deep, intense and penetrating quality that would suit you for any kind of investigative work, or work that requires concentration and attention to detail. Not satisfied with the obvious or superficial, you try to understand the deeper meaning to any subject or issue that you're studying.

You also have strong beliefs and when you have made up your mind on something you have a conviction and power that others will find difficult to challenge, even if they feel you're wrong.

You may have to learn to rise above deep feelings of anger or resentment towards those who have crossed you or who oppose your ideas. Instead of seeking revenge, why not channel this strong desire to hit back into more positive ends.


'Close One'

Mercury Conjuncts Ascendant

The pace of life and communications with others should be extremely busy over the next few days. Expect more letters, phone calls and visits than usual. Travel is also likely and all business and financial negotiations should proceed smoothly and to your advantage.

Venus – Love and Money

Venus represents much of what makes life worth living, how you express your emotions within love, marriage and other personal relationships, indicating what you attract, your attitude towards money, possessions and your aesthetic values.

Capacity for love

Venus in Leo

You need to feel a sense of pride in yourself and in those closest to you. The worst thing anyone can do to you is to hurt that pride, and you'll probably find it very difficult to forgive anyone who does. However, in close relationships there's a desire to be the one in control. Take care that this doesn't turn into a tendency to dominate.

Eleventh House - Hopes and Wishes

The eleventh house represents where you most look to the future, your hopes and wishes, your friends, how you act in group situations and the kinds of groups to which you are attracted to and ultimately belong.


Love and what you value most

Venus in the 11th House

You enjoy being surrounded by friends and loved ones. This placing gives you a sense of ease and charm in social gatherings. Many of your friendships and relationships will be formed as the result of being part of a group or association through which you can share your mutual interests. For you, a meaningful relation-ship must be based on mutual respect and genuine friendship, in which the two of you help each other to grow and become more than you already are.


Venus Squares Jupiter

You may at times give in to self-indulgence, especially when difficulties give you the excuse to neglect duties and responsibilities. In any case, you don't like to be hemmed in by responsibilities. You'll expect a partner to allow your personal freedom, but you may not be too generous in extending the same rights to them.

Unrealistic expectations

'Close One'

Venus Squares Neptune

You can be overly idealistic in your approach to relationships. There may also be times when you'll expect your partner to accept you with all your faults, without a word of complaint on their part or any effort to change on yours.

Very few people, except perhaps a saint, can measure up to the high expectations you set for a relationship. When things start to fall apart, you'll probably not even notice that anything's wrong until the whole thing dissolves away before your eyes.

There may also be times when you may find yourself led into actions that you later regret. This is particularly true in financial matters, so you must make sure that all your dealings are open and above board. Although some people seem to be able to get away with murder, anything shady or underhand will almost inevitably work out badly for you.

Love with attitude

Venus Semisextile Pluto

You have strong ideas concerning love and relationships. You feel that a relationship must be based on mutual understanding, with a spiritual quality if it's to survive. You're prepared to make sacrifices for your partner, provided that they're prepared to do the same for you.

You have a need to be able to communicate on a deep level and to express your innermost hopes and fears, needs and desires. Any relationship in which you feel this isn't possible you'll probably come to regard as superficial and not worth continuing.

Your personal magnetism is charged with a charismatic quality that makes others aware that you have hidden depths beneath the surface, which they find incredibly attractive.

Mars – Assertion and Sexuality

Mars represents your drive, action and energy, the lusty nature of your sex drive, stamina, motivation and how aggressively you assert yourself and express your desires.

Driving force

Mars in Taurus

You are generally self-assertive, persistent and at times even rather aggressive. A great deal of energy can be directed towards achieving your goals and ambitions, especially material goals, but beware the stubborn refusal to change from a course of action even if it is obviously leading to disaster.

Your temper may be slow to rouse, but when it does, it may be difficult to control. Possessiveness and jealousy will probably need to be controlled. Nevertheless, if expressed positively this placing can give you the capacity for controlled and steady action towards the achievement of your ambitions and dreams.

Ninth House - Knowledge and Awareness

The ninth house represents your search for knowledge and awareness through travel and higher education plus the law, religion and the use of your higher or more intuitive mental faculties.


Stamina and assertiveness

Mars in the 9th House

You'll put a great deal of energy into travel, study possibly of a philosophical nature and fighting for the rights of others. You could therefore achieve success as a teacher, lawyer or writer.


'Close One'

Mars Squares Uranus

You possess a need for freedom and independence to the point where it could cause conflicts with others. You possess a high degree of physical and emotional tension that can lead to irritability and impatience and a dislike of any restrictions being placed on your personal freedom.

In spite of this, you're aware of your responsibilities, but at times the conflict between fulfilling your responsibilities and doing your own thing can cause a feeling of frustration and anger that you may end up taking out on those closest to you. Nevertheless, if you can come to terms with these conflicts, you have incredible determination and the energy to accomplish more than most.

Jupiter – Expansiveness and Beliefs

Jupiter represents expansion, your sense of fun, optimism and generosity, indicating your most important beliefs, the opportunities you have for success and encouragement of others.

Optimism and understanding

Jupiter in Libra

Opportunities will come to you as a result of the ability to network, constantly creating new business and personal contacts.

Your view is generally fair and impartial, and you have a strong desire to help those in need, or to do something to help make the world a better place. This desire may remain just that, however, since your diplomatic nature and your ability to see all sides of any issue may stifle the urge to take action.

The same qualities, if you can overcome your indecisiveness, can bring you great success in any field that involves working with, or negotiating on behalf of, the general public. In relationships, you will seek those that in some way broaden your perspective and experience.

Second House – Resources and Desires

The second house represents possessions, what you own and desire, accumulation of wealth and resources or acquired skills and gifts which give you a sense of value, worth and personal security as well as the way you meet your obligations.


Optimism and understanding

Jupiter in the 2nd House

You enjoy accumulating life's little luxuries. Although the acquisition of money and possessions will not be too much of a problem through your life, it could be a matter of easy come easy go. You're generous and what you earn could be spent just as quickly so occasionally you'll have to be somewhat discriminating in your generosity and spending.


Jupiter Conjuncts Neptune

You have a vision of a world united by love and mutual understanding. You would like to see nations working together in a spirit of co-operation. Some people may regard your philosophy as unrealistic, but nevertheless you're sympathetic to groups and individuals who are working toward this end.

Saturn – Responsibilities and Strength

Saturn represents your sense of responsibility and limitation, how you react to setbacks, where you are most fearful and feel insecure; indicating where you will learn the most important lesson of your life which is indicative of your greatest strength.


Saturn in Sagittarius

You will be forced to confront your fears and develop your own inner strength in your search for a meaning to life, which will be sought either through travel or wholly within yourself. At some point you'll probably experience disillusion with traditional religion, resulting in either disbelief or a search for deeper and more enduring values.

You may also find it difficult to tether yourself to terra firm for too long, wanting to float away on a sea of freedom. Unfortunately, responsibility catches up with most of us at some point in our lives but you'll probably resent it more than most.

Fourth House – Belonging and Deep Feelings

The fourth house represents family and cultural conditioning, your sense of belonging, deep inner feelings, desires and habit patterns as well as the experience of your parents, your own home and conditions surrounding you during the second half of life.


Setbacks and insecurities

Saturn in the 4th House

Your early home life may have been experienced as restricting and not very supportive. Perhaps your family was struggling materially as you grew up, or the home environment lacked emotional closeness. This may have been carried through to adulthood; at times leaving you feeling unloved or inadequate in some way.

But your sense of security must be developed from within you. Once developed from within, nothing and no-one can ever take it away. It may take a long time to find, but when found, your sense of security will continue to be solid and enduring.


Saturn Trines Uranus

You'll generally be able to strike a balance between the need for freedom and an equally strong need for security. You will earn your freedom, and although you have a healthy respect for material things, you will find that as your life goes on you will become increasingly detached from them.

There will be times, however, when you'll abandon projects simply because they have become too boring and too normal. Not only do you have a need to be different, but also the potential to inspire others with your vision and therefore you would be good at teaching or public speaking.

Mixed dreams

Saturn Semisquare Neptune

At times you may feel unable to achieve a sense of real security, feeling that the results of all your efforts can at any moment be washed away by some unforeseen tide of events. Occasionally there's also a conflict between your sense of reality and your dreams and you may therefore swing between being a hard-headed pragmatist and a hopeless dreamer.

Uranus – Originality and New Ideas

Uranus represents the expression of your need for freedom and independence, the way you choose to experiment with life, new ideas and the motivation behind your future dreams.


Uranus in Leo

You have a restless need to constantly find new outlets for your creative, dramatic and artistic talents - to show the world that you're an individual who's determined to enjoy life your own way. Routine bores you. Being restless and impulsive you'll enjoy experimenting with life, especially in romance and affairs of the heart, which are likely to end as suddenly as they began.

Twelfth House – Surrender and Seclusion

The twelfth house represents surrendering to forces that are beyond your control, a higher power or ideal, greater self-understanding and spiritual goals. Institutions such as hospitals and prisons, where many people end up if the self-surrender described above is overdone, or made to the wrong ideals.



Uranus in the 12th House

You may occasionally find that you unconsciously set yourself up in situations where you have to re-live pain that you have repressed in yourself. Without knowing the real source of these situations, it is all too easy to blame other people. Bringing these buried experiences to consciousness and fully acknowledging the hurt that you feel will release a lot of energy that can be consciously directed to more creative ends.

Neptune – Creativity and Imagination

Neptune represents fashions, impressionability, flair, allure, imagination and inspiration, your spiritual self, dreams, imagination and creative abilities.


Neptune in Scorpio

Born between 1957-1970 you are part of a permissive generation whose experimentation with sex and drugs invaded everyday life and eroded many traditional family values. This was also the most prominent time of the Cold War, a time of spies and secret surveillance.

Third House – Adaptability and Mental Ability

The third house represents our relationship to the immediate environment, experiences concerned with communication and learning, intellectual and educational skills and how well you can adapt. Plus the dealings you have with immediate relatives, brothers and sisters if you have any.


Intuition and uncertainty

Neptune in the 3rd House

You're in tune with your environment, picking up the atmosphere around you. You often get the feeling that you know what's going on beneath the surface and you're usually right. At other times, however, what you feel may be the result of your own confused thinking which makes it difficult to always be certain about what you are picking up.

Generational influences

'Close One'

Neptune Sextiles Pluto

Starting in 1942, and for the next hundred years, everyone born during this time will be affected by the changes taking place in the world's collective psyche. The keynote of this entire period will be the complete transformation of our existing scientific, religious and political belief systems.

Pluto – Secrets and Obsessions

Pluto represents trust and abuse of trust, control, obsessions and power struggles. Pluto is the force of intense transformation indicative of the most secretive side of your nature, how you come to terms with and deal with your deepest insecurities.

Forces of change

Pluto in Virgo

Pluto was in Virgo between 1957-1971. When you were born your generation experienced a time of powerful political forces such as trade unions, unparalleled changes within the health and welfare system, a time of tremendous changes within many work environments due to computers and automation. New developments in birth control led to greater sexual freedom, and experimentation with psychedelic drugs revealed previously unknown levels of consciousness.

Twelfth House – Surrender and Seclusion

The twelfth house represents surrendering to forces that are beyond your control, a higher power or ideal, greater self-understanding and spiritual goals. Institutions such as hospitals and prisons, where many people end up if the self-surrender described above is overdone, or made to the wrong ideals.


Secrets, powerful obsessions

Pluto in the 12th House

You may suppress inner fears; some of which may have resulted from painful past experiences.

Nevertheless, you will find that you can often make something positive out of a crisis and that each experience makes you stronger and more aware of your inner needs and goals in life.

Midheaven – Reputation and Status

The Midheaven represents your profession and career what you do to make your mark, indicating your reputation as well as ambition, your potential for achievement and likely status in the world.


Midheaven in Gemini

Always active, you're something of a live wire who enjoys dominating a conversation and putting across your point of view. However, what you say and do will more often than not focus on yourself, rather than others! Ever optimistic, you do have an innate power to make dreams come true and if you can keep excessive nervous energy under control, then a great deal could be achieved throughout your life.

Nodes – Life's Journey

The Nodes are indicators of your development and progress. Growth occurs when the instinctive reaction of the South Node is resisted, and instead you incorporate qualities of the North Node into the future.

Future growth

North Node in Libra

You should try and get on better with others, be more sensitive to their needs and give them a chance to make their own decisions.

Developing experience

South Node in Aries

Learn the difference between control and caring. Concentrate more on your own interests.

Madonna's Planetary Positions

August, 16th 1958 Local Time 7:05 AM Universal Time 12:05 PM

Bay City, Michigan, United States 43°35'N, 83°53'W

All times based on current location of Bay City, Michigan, United States


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Squares Mars
Sun Sextiles Jupiter
Sun Trines Saturn
Sun Sextiles North Node
Sun Opposes Chiron
Moon Conjuncts Mercury
Moon Trines Mars
Moon Semisquare Jupiter
Moon Squares Saturn
Moon Semisextile Uranus
Moon Conjuncts Ascendant
Moon Squares MidHeaven
Mercury Conjuncts Moon
Mercury Sextiles Neptune
Mercury Conjuncts Pluto
Mercury Conjuncts Ascendant
Mercury Squares MidHeaven
Venus Squares Jupiter
Venus Squares Neptune
Venus Semisextile Pluto
Venus Sextiles MidHeaven
Venus Squares North Node
Mars Squares Sun
Mars Trines Moon
Mars Squares Uranus
Mars Trines Ascendant
Mars Squares Chiron
Jupiter Sextiles Sun
Jupiter Semisquare Moon
Jupiter Squares Venus
Jupiter Conjuncts Neptune
Jupiter Conjuncts North Node
Jupiter Trines Chiron
Saturn Trines Sun
Saturn Squares Moon
Saturn Trines Uranus
Saturn Semisquare Neptune
Saturn Sextiles Chiron
Uranus Semisextile Moon
Uranus Squares Mars
Uranus Trines Saturn
Uranus Opposes Chiron
Neptune Sextiles Mercury
Neptune Squares Venus
Neptune Conjuncts Jupiter
Neptune Semisquare Saturn
Neptune Sextiles Pluto
Neptune Quincunx MidHeaven
Pluto Conjuncts Mercury
Pluto Semisextile Venus
Pluto Sextiles Neptune
Pluto Conjuncts Ascendant
Pluto Squares MidHeaven
Ascendant Conjuncts Moon
Ascendant Conjuncts Mercury
Ascendant Squares MidHeaven
Ascendant Semisquare North Node
MidHeaven Squares Mercury
MidHeaven Sextiles Venus
MidHeaven Quincunx Neptune
MidHeaven Squares Pluto
MidHeaven Squares Ascendant
North Node Sextiles Sun
North Node Conjuncts Jupiter
North Node Semisquare Ascendant
North Node Trines Chiron
Chiron Opposes Sun
Chiron Squares Mars
Chiron Sextiles Saturn
Chiron Trines North Node