Meghan Markle
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Meghan's chart wheel

Meghan Markle

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

Forecast : 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

Meghan Markle

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

All times based on current location of Los Angeles, CA

Jump to Planetary Positions

Lucky Encounters Destiny

Hi Meghan,
This personal Astrology reading provides a fascinating insight into your Lucky Encounters Destiny.

It includes your Jupiter, often known as the planet of luck, and the placements of Uranus and Pluto at the exact moment you were born. This information can be remarkably accurate in revealing opportunities, positive changes as well as triumph over challenges you may encounter.

It's important to remember that you have a choice about what develops in your world. If you want to be happier, then you can be, regardless of what occurs in the cosmos. However, your Lucky Encounters Destiny reading offers insight into your unique characteristics and can help you understand the part the heavens play in the unfolding story of your life.

To the right of each pair of 'aspect' symbols is a group of five stars. The darker the stars, the more powerful and significant the meaning of that aspect is to you.

We wish you a wonderful future!

Your Transit Calendar

Where are you most likely to be lucky?

Identify the most potential areas for success and happiness in your life.

Receiving By Giving

Jupiter in Libra

By possessing an innate desire for balance and justice, you'll likely encounter success, joy, and fulfillment by treating others with fairness and equality. It is through being seen to be gracious and willing to mediate or show support that you could bring others luck and fortune your way.

You understand the value and benefits of networking or working in pairs. By collaborating with like-minded individuals, you can achieve impressive and outstanding results. You thrive in social circles and possess uncanny abilities to attract people to you through having natural diplomacy and willingness to solve others' problems.

You often have an innate desire to be creative, for surroundings to be aesthetically pleasing and create harmony wherever possible – or at least be seen by others to do so! You have no hesitancy with stirring a tiny bit of chaos sometimes because you thrive in chaotic situations and tire easily with routine and predictability.

Luck and fortune could be achieved through involvement with the fashion industry, interior design, writing, public speaking or mediating.


Ideal Team Player

Jupiter in the 3rd House

The spirit of teamwork is strong within you. Your curious nature encourages you to explore life's mysteries, and you delight in sharing your fascinating findings with others.
Some people go through life appearing to have all the answers, and this draws others to them – and that someone is likely to be you! Your passionate energy, enthusiasm, and ability to come up with creative and innovative solutions make you an essential part of any group effort.

Your Jupiter Aspects

Upbeat and Generous

'Close One'

Moon Conjuncts Jupiter

Your upbeat and generous nature encourages you always to see what's positive in any seemingly negative situation. It might be your optimism and positive attitude that has attracted so many positive life experiences so far and will help you attract more during your lifetime.

You can, at times, be too generous toward or accepting of others because not everyone is as genuine and honest as you. However, being so open-minded, non-judgmental and possessing such strong nurturing and maternal qualities makes everyone in your world feel supported and nourished.

Seeking Mind-Broadening Experiences

'Close One'

Mercury Sextiles Jupiter

You find anything that broadens your mind stimulating and enjoy being led by your curiosity. You probably discover the most mind-broadening experiences come from travel and enjoy sharing your knowledge and asking others, particularly friends, for their input to your many unanswered questions. You're an objective thinker, a good judge of character and if anyone needs an excellent decision-maker or mediator, you're probably the person they come to!

Balancing Caution and Bravado

Mars Squares Jupiter

Your list of impressive qualities is a long one. Courage, energy, enthusiasm, strength and sex appeal must keep you constantly busy. Actually, keeping busy is essential because if you allow your high energy and passion levels to build up internally, then, without a creative or physical outlet, they can go from being delightful to downright nasty.

That's why expressing your abundant energy and enthusiasm must be done regularly and healthily. Top of your list of Things Not to Do are acting or deciding impulsively or taking potentially dangerous risks. However, a balance between caution and bravado can be found. Although the world needs more people like you to stand up for others and take risks everyone else is afraid to consider, you need to protect yourself from harm by being less obliging to impulsive urges.

Positive and Generous

'Close One'

Jupiter Conjuncts Moon

Your positive and generous disposition encourages you always to see what's positive in any seemingly negative situation. Your optimism and upbeat attitude have likely attracted many positive life experiences so far and will attract more during your lifetime.

However, not everyone is as genuine and honest as you are, and you can, at times, be too generous toward or accepting of others. In spite of that, your open-mindedness and non-judgmental attitude underpin strong nurturing and maternal qualities that make everyone in your world feel supported and cared for in every way.

Guided by Curiosity

'Close One'

Jupiter Sextiles Mercury

You find anything that offers a chance to broaden your mind stimulating and enjoy being guided by your curiosity to discover and explore interesting and useful facts. The most mind-broadening experiences will likely come from travel, and you probably enjoy sharing knowledge and asking others, particularly friends, for their input to your many unanswered questions.

You're an objective thinker, a superb judge of character and if anyone requires a swift decision-maker or conscientious mediator, then you're probably top of their list!

Expressing Abundant Energy

Jupiter Squares Mars

You possess an abundance of courage, energy, enthusiasm, strength and sex appeal but each needs an outlet constantly. If you allow each to build up without a creative or physical means of release, then they'll release themselves in ways you might struggle to control.

That's why it's essential that you express your abundant energy and enthusiasm regularly but healthily and constructively, without acting or making decisions impulsively or taking potentially dangerous risks.

However, it shouldn't prove difficult to find a balance between bravado and cautiousness. Although you undoubtedly gain admiration for standing up for others and take risks most other people would avoid taking, your impulsive urges and willingness to throw caution to the wind need to be kept in check.

Rewards Offer Lessons

'Close One'

Jupiter Conjuncts Saturn

You have a constant need to override pessimism with optimism. That's why it's important to accept that rewards you gain from your efforts always contains a lesson of some kind, even if it's not always immediately obvious.

You probably understood from a young age that rewards are reflective of effort and we receive what we give. You also manage to balance your need for security with the need to take the occasional risk.

Removal from comfort zones is essential to expand your knowledge and achieve your potential, but you're acutely aware of limitations that exist with doing so. Fortunately, plans you pursue are structured, and this ensures you embark upon them in the best possible way which boosts your chances of success enormously.

Fond Memories

Jupiter Opposes Midheaven

You probably view your home and family as important refuges you can retreat to when life becomes too intense. You might have exceptionally fond memories of your childhood and profound respect for your parents, especially the one who provided you with the most emotional support.

Later in life, you might seek to replicate the environment in which you grew up or a community closeness similar to what you experienced when you were younger. You dislike cramped or claustrophobic conditions and will prefer a large, elegant home or one that offers much open space. Your need for freedom also applies to relationships, and you'll avoid jealous or possessive types.

However, you possess plenty of emotional security, which helps you to withstand challenging times and willingly offer assistance to others when they need it.

Essential Structure

'Close One'

Saturn Conjuncts Jupiter

You're on a lifelong mission to balance optimism and pessimism. This also likely involves you accepting that, for every reward you gain from your efforts, a lesson is contained in there somewhere.

You understand that you 'get what you deserve' and 'receive' what you 'give.' You're constantly balancing your need for security with the need to take the occasional risk and want to expand your knowledge and prospects but are acutely aware of limitations that exist with doing so. However, you can't escape the need for structure in any plans you pursue.

As long as it exists within any strategy, then you'll be getting it off to the best possible start and boost enormously the chances of success.

Progressive change

Your desire for independence, breaking traditions and future vision

Doing It Your Way

Uranus in Scorpio

You probably adhere to a particular motto: 'you do it your way, and I'll do it my way.' However, you often know something others don't – that your way is the best way!

You'll go to great lengths to avoid pursuing anything that requires sticking to what's traditional, tried or tested. Although you have great respect for the need to undertake anything sensibly and responsibly, you'll be keen to introduce new methodologies or systems. This is particularly true if doing so gains you respect, attention, applause or improves what someone renowned for being clever introduced previously.

You possess considerable creative abilities that will require releasing or focusing in some way. What you create will have unique, innovative or even genius qualities underpinned with a far-reaching vision. You can be volatile and changeable at times, often conveying yourself courageously but bluntly or aggressively.

A natural interest in logic that exists within how and why things 'work' the way they do could encourage you to pursue mechanical engineering, science or technology.


Humble Genius

Uranus in the 5th House

Whereas some people ought to be more modest, you could benefit from being less humble. Why? Because you're an extremely talented and gifted person! However, you probably feel unsure about your abilities and how to express them in a way that feels comfortable to you.
You're unconcerned about being seen to be special, which baffles your many admirers. Your keenness to detach yourself from your ego probably results in you detaching yourself from individuals who wish you'd step forward proudly and confidently to reveal your talents to the world.
Your creative energy manifests in many ways, not just artistically, and you might wonder why you receive praise for doing something you didn't believe was extraordinary.
You're a difficult so-and-so to understand, but the more you accept that you have gifts that deserve to be shared, the more others will connect with your thought processes and understand better the person who amazes them in so many ways.

Your Uranus Aspects

Unafraid of Change

'Close One'

Uranus Trines Ascendant

You're always receptive to opportunities to relate to others in new ways and probably don't have to look hard for such opportunities to do so. You actively seek new friendships, relationships, and group activities and, at times, circumstances beyond your control can put you in situations where you're exposed to strange, unusual or eccentric people, which you thoroughly enjoy.

You need freedom to express your uniqueness and tend to gravitate toward similar or like-minded individuals. You're unafraid to introduce changes to your world if you feel bored or uninspired, and spontaneous travel could help you to experience different views of the world.

Trial and Error Approach

Uranus Trines North Node

Progress is important to you, and you believe everyone should move forward in life and not held back by the past, convention or tradition. You're unafraid of moving toward your future, whatever it holds, and you seek like-minded people who share your keenness to be free from rules, regulations, and traditions.

This could mean that some pursuits reach dead ends quickly through not being subjected to careful planning, but it's rarely a problem that a simple tweak to your unique strategy doesn't solve. You might be used to adopting a 'trial and error' approach to achieving success but, regardless of how unorthodox your methods might be, you manage to find one that works, and you also find yourself grateful for the experience gained the hard way!

Sharing Less Obvious Healing Methods

Uranus Opposes Chiron

Healing any old emotional wounds needn't be done alone. The more you connect with ways to heal any emotional baggage from your past and share your discoveries or what 'works' for you with others, the more you'll be able to help them to do the same.

It's possible you'll explore alternative options to bring inner healing, perhaps involving alternative therapies, such as Reiki or holistic or organic medicines. However, you can inspire others by drawing attention to less obvious healing options and probably because you've found them to be more effective than traditional routes.

Triumph from Rising to Challenges

Your search for truth and deeper meaning.

Balancing Harmony and Justice with Chaos

Pluto in Libra

Your compulsive side could conflict with the side of you that's normally decisive and deliberate. Possessing natural curiosity to discover and learn more about the world around you, you could push aside a tendency to assess or 'weigh up' situations, opting instead for a 'hang the consequences' approach.

You're keen to learn through collaborative efforts and will not shy from investing necessary levels of effort to ensure relationships are joint learning experiences. However, you could, at times, become obsessive about justice and fairness. You possess an amazing ability to identify the smallest details within an injustice and expose any that have been overlooked by others.

You will ultimately crave peace and harmony but will be happy to shake up - or destroy - equilibriums if it increases the likelihood of attaining both. You willingly create chaos if doing so allow you to reassess or even rebuild a situation or strategy to ensure the result is a fair one.

You're a superb mediator but could come across heavy-handed at times or use devious or manipulative tactics to achieve a result you believe to be fair.



Pluto in the 4th House

You're a complicated, deep and powerful individual with more than one enigmatic quality. To you, life is deep and profound and should be treated accordingly.
The world is full of secrets, therefore, as far as you're concerned, secrets make life more interesting and magical. However, you could become too preoccupied with keeping your personal life personal.
Your intense quest for privacy might keep others out but will also make it difficult for those who deserve to enter to do so. You can still be protective of all that you must be protective of but dropping your guard now and again can result in you experiencing heart-warming developments that can only occur if you allow them access to your exclusive world.

Your Pluto Aspects

Collaborative Dream

'Close One'

Neptune Sextiles Pluto

You have a 'pioneering spirit' and are unafraid to challenge 'norms' or generally accepted ways of thinking. You're able to spot ways to improve or update what everyone else is so willing to accept. However, before you can rebuild a belief or entire belief system, you must first destroy what has become so widely accepted.

This is something you excel at doing. You're capable of deconstructing any aspect of life, a system, a belief or procedure and present a new truth that is far worthier of considering. You might be seen by others to be obsessive or compulsive, but your higher thought processes require you to create order from chaos and simplicity from complexity.

Ultimately, you probably have one main aim in life: to bring people closer together, not necessarily physically but spiritually. Your dream of everyone collaborating for the greater good is not far-fetched, either.

Harnessing your Pioneering Spirit

'Close One'

Pluto Sextiles Neptune

You have a 'pioneering spirit' encourages you to be unafraid about challenging 'norms' or generally accepted ways of thinking. You're able to spot ways to improve or update what everyone else is so willing to be conservative toward.

However, before you can rebuild a belief or entire belief system, you must first transform attitudes that are so widely accepted. This is something you excel at doing. You're capable of deconstructing any aspect of life, a system, a belief or procedure and present a new truth far worthier of considering.

You might be seen to be obsessive or compulsive, but your higher thought processes require you to create order from chaos and simplicity from complexity. Ultimately, you probably have one main aim in life: to bring people closer together, not necessarily physically but spiritually. Your dream of everyone collaborating for the greater good is not far-fetched, either.

Perceived Forcefulness

'Close One'

Pluto Squares Ascendant

Your ambition and desire to achieve personal recognition are probably very strong, but both can create opposition from others, especially if they feel threatened in any way by your forceful attitude. In truth, you're probably not forceful or aggressive, or at least not in ways you're perceived to be.

You enjoy taking the initiative and see no need to reassess plans that have been reassessed umpteen times already. Therefore, you don't tolerate interference or apathy from others, and this can be projected unintentionally aggressively You're prone to being obsessive and lacking moderation in your efforts, with an all-or-nothing approach to whatever you're determined to make happen.

As long as you're willing to boost your tolerance levels toward others and, where appropriate. Enter into the spirit of collaboration in the right ways; you'll have no problems gaining the support you need.

Lucky Encounters Destiny Forecast

Your personal Lucky Encounters Destiny for twelve months provides unique and detailed insight into long-term astrological influences affecting your life's lucky encounters. A short-term monthly summary is also provided regarding what you can expect - and prepare for.

You'll notice this document outlines various 'trends' influencing and shaping your Lucky Encounters Destiny over varying periods of time. 'Longer-term trends' highlight 'behind the scenes' activity and where you'll likely need to accept gradual change.

'Steady or challenging trends' indicate where stability likely exists in your world but also where you need to prepare yourself for a helpful learning curve of some kind. 'Emergent or Disorderly Trends' help you to identify in advance when sudden, unanticipated developments – and often of the delightful kind - might occur.

You might also notice certain aspects involve planets experiencing 'retrograde motion,' an illusion that makes a planet appear to be moving backward. This offers an excellent opportunity for reflection and often something to be learned from the past that can be applied helpfully to the present and future.

Being able to monitor cosmic support available to you will help you to understand better your attitude toward your Lucky Encounters Destiny. This can be invaluable in helping you to form - or strengthen – connections in ways you've only dreamed of.

Please note, at the beginning of your Lucky Encounters Destiny you will find your birth chart and aspect grid with a list of the planet aspects of your birth chart. What follows are interpretations of transiting planets and the aspects, they make to the planet positions of your birth chart.

Your Lucky Encounters Destiny forecast should only be used as a helpful guide. At all times, it is for you to choose the best path to follow from what is written below and develop the most positive and rewarding parts of your character.

Emerging or Overstating Trends

Jupiter trends from 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

February 17th 2022 onwards to March 2nd 2023


Explorative Partner

Jupiter transits your natal 9th house

An exciting quest for knowledge could commence at this time. You're adventurous, and unafraid of heading into unexplored territory if a chance to learn to expand is on offer. However, your explorative journey involves sharing what you've learned and your experience-based wisdom. However, don't become deflated if your audience doesn't connect with or support your inspired beliefs or opinions. In fact, having a partner accompany you on any journey of discovery will be a bonus. This will allow the two of you to share your discoveries or experiences in the knowledge that you're both motivated and inspired similarly.

December 26th 2022 onwards to January 11th 2023

Best friends and lovers

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal North Node

Growth and tangible positive progress could be increasingly important in relationships or one special connection. You might feel a stronger sense of intimacy is needed to help you and someone close to move confidently along your personal paths. Enthusiasm, hope, and excitement permeate your emotional world and bring a delightful sense of fun and affection that keeps things buoyant. You and a loved one or potential partner could be the couple others want to enjoy the company of and you'll both thrive in easy going, comfortable atmospheres. The positive vibes you emit not only enhance the warmth in your connection but allow a solid base of friendship to grow and become stronger. Best friends and lovers – it doesn't get better than that!

December 26th 2022 onwards to January 11th 2023

Optimistic and Positive Vibe

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal South Node

Expect now or shortly to discover how resilient a person you are. It might be your attitude toward relationships that reveals how much you've learned from past involvements and what you vowed you would not repeat or allow to dampen your passionate spirit. You could be more receptive to what life can teach you. A renewed sense of optimism toward relationships is manifesting, either because you've enjoyed positive experiences in the past, or because those that weren't so positive haven't put a damper on your hopes or expectations. Your vision of the future where your closest relationships are concerned is tethered firmly to reality. The optimistic and positive vibe you're emitting now can undoubtedly boost your attractiveness in at least one special person's eyes.

January 18th to 30th 2023

Give them some space

Transiting Jupiter Opposes your natal Moon

We're told from a young age that we should give one hundred per cent to all we do. Do we ever feel that we are giving such commitment to anything – or anyone? Regardless of how much effort we believe we're investing, there is, if we're honest with ourselves, some room for improvement.

But sometimes, it is possible to try too hard. We become so focused on making effort that we forget when the time to stand back and assess results. Now is such a time.

You might be at risk of giving too much where a certain affair of the heart is concerned. Give someone a bit of breathing space. It will do you both a world of good if you can.

January 22nd 2023 onwards to February 3rd 2023

Choose your words carefully, and a reward can be yours

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Mercury

People, we are told, 'buy people.' This saying refers to how much can be achieved when we choose to invest trust in someone else, and it is trust that always plays the most crucial factor in any negotiation or exchange.

Your powers of persuasion are extremely high now. You might even be overlooking how persuasive you are or could be if given a chance. Your ability to persuade though is only half of what is required to achieve something wonderful now. The other half relies on your ability to win a certain person's trust.

They probably won't need too much persuading, but they will need some. Use your ability to convey yourself in such a clear way wisely and sensitively, and you won't need to worry too much about gaining you-know-who's trust, it will come on its own.

January 24th 2023 onwards to February 4th 2023

Ring the changes, but not too loudly

Transiting Jupiter Opposes your natal Saturn

Are you being controlled or is it the other way around? Chances are, you're aware of more than one level of restriction that exists in your world and want to do something to change this frustrating situation.

Be careful though, how quickly you say the words 'enough is enough' and to whom you say them.

Once you start to see evidence of what your efforts can achieve regarding breaking free from one undesirable situation, you could be inclined to see what else is possible in other areas and, before you know it, will have invited the equivalent of a tidal wave of change and upheaval into your world.

If that's what you want, then proceed. However, through making clear to a certain person what you're no longer prepared to tolerate, you could just find that one change is enough for now.

January 29th 2023 onwards to February 8th 2023

Seeing things as they really are

Transiting Jupiter Opposes your natal Jupiter

Is there a factory somewhere that manufactures rose-tinted glasses? Demand for such items must surely be very high. We all, at some point, see situations unclearly or invest unjustified levels of optimism sometimes.

Where a certain relationship in your world is concerned, it's possible you're setting your sights a bit too high – as things stand currently, anyway.

Avoid any urges to be reckless or impulsive. Feeling positive about things is fine but ensure you're not kidding yourself.

February 21st 2023 onwards to March 3rd 2023

Attack is not the wisest strategy

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Mars

We're told all relationships must experience episodes of tension. Like pepper added to a stew, these give the relationships spice they require. But we all know what happens when we add too much spice to a recipe.

There is an intense – possibly even 'over the top' – exchange brewing. In the heat of some moments, some things get said that are both truthful but hurtful. At least try to ensure that whatever point you're trying to make to you-know-who is done with honesty and sensitivity.

February 24th 2023 onwards to March 6th 2023

The importance of being seen

Transiting Jupiter Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven

Rarely, does someone who owns a high powered or classic car leave it in a garage out of view. Many owners of such cars don't necessarily feel the need to blow proverbial trumpets about how lucky they are to own such things while others are keen for anyone to see them because of status symbols they represent.
Similarly, it would be helpful to consider how you could be doing yourself a disservice in an area of your personal world by detaching yourself or being aloof. There is much respect and even admiration to be gained and achieved from certain others - or one person in particular - through making yourself known and available rather than keeping hidden in the background.
If you're willing to show yourself and make yourself more available in certain circles, then there is a way you can benefit from opportunities to enhance friendships, your status in the eyes of others or romantic alliances that will be available to seize should you want them.

February 24th 2023 onwards to March 5th 2023

Getting it right

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Sun

We often hear people say, 'nothing is impossible.' With little difficulty, we can easily think of much that is impossible. In doing so, we're not negative or defeatist. We're realistic. That's why it's important for you to have a realistic expectation where a certain involvement in your world is concerned.

It's easy to dream about what might be achieved one day, and there's nothing wrong with doing so per se. However, it's becoming increasingly important to assess what you know in your heart to be practical and achievable. Focus on what you know to be attainable, and you really will begin to move in a very splendid way toward achieving it.

March 2nd 2023 onwards to April 2nd 2024


Right Place, Right Time

Jupiter transits your natal 10th house

We hear people talk about others being 'in the right place at the right time.' Where your career aspirations or pursuits are concerned, this could be a time when your faith in luck is strengthened – or revived. You too could find yourself in the right place, at the right time to make the right contacts and this could cause others to believe professional success comes effortlessly for you. However, it might be your easy-going, optimistic attitude that downplays or conceals the considerable effort you invested in finding yourself in fortuitous positions. This could be a time when your professional journey is an endless adventure. Being blessed with a 'larger-than-life' public persona will attract the right kind of attention – and not only from people who are attracted to you professionally!

April 7th to 16th 2023

Ringing the changes

Transiting Jupiter Opposes your natal Pluto

Is there 'method' to whatever perceived 'madness' you're keen to introduce now? Some people might say more of the latter than former exists regarding what you're considering doing.

You're being encouraged to push a boundary or two, particularly where set-in-stone agreements between you and someone else are concerned. Your intentions might not be met with resounding applause, but you know what needs to change and why.

Provided your intentions are ethical and benefit someone else as well as you, then change you're keen to instigate can only bring a positive result and reasons to feel much more optimistic.

April 9th to 18th 2023

Give and you shall receive

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Neptune

There is no such thing as a 'perfect' relationship. Human beings are far too fickle and volatile for perfection to exist in any relationship. That shouldn't stop any of us from striving to improve relationships, and this is best done when our hearts are filled with genuine desire to do so.

You have an excellent opportunity to apply sensitivity, creativity and large doses of imagination to who matters most to you now. Let the warmth being created from within you motivate you to give what you're feeling to others. What you give now, you stand to get returned to you tenfold.

April 18th to 27th 2023

Share and share alike

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Ascendant

How much are you willing to give and, more to the point, how much are you willing to accept where a certain relationship is concerned? Note though that the word 'accept' shouldn't be confused with the world 'tolerate.'

You are well placed to benefit from what can be learned from a certain person or shared situation now and to make the most of this, all you need to do is use your willingness to give in such a way that involves accepting that someone has something very special to give to you.

What matters now is how able you are to interact with others and willing you are to be a recipient rather than a giver. Let someone close share something wonderful with you.

May 18th to 28th 2023

On the Right Karmic Path

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal North Node

Where your emotional world is concerned now, you might feel an uncomfortable sense of obligation or responsibility. You'd prefer to do what excites or inspires you, rather than what you know you have to do. This could leave you feeling directionless, especially if you wish you could connect more deeply with your romantic or relationship destiny. Much would probably be easier if your emotional world or love life weren't subjected to so many distractions. However, it's important that you accept that you're learning much about yourself and others from your closest relationships. Your karmic path might be long and winding, but you are taking small, gradual steps in the right direction. Allow more time for what appears confusing or vague to become clear and certain.

May 18th to 28th 2023

Justified Optimism

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal South Node

This is a time to be honest and realistic about what you experienced with your interactions or involvements in the past, and what you learned from them. It's possible you have a somewhat inflated or exaggerated view of previous relationships and might be creating a defensive or protective barrier unnecessarily. Rather than focus solely on mistakes made or anything connected with your emotional world in the past that was painful or upsetting, you can, with little effort, adjust your hopes, attitudes and expectations for the future. Within anything that was uncomfortable or awkward is a valuable lesson that needs to be identified and embraced. If you can do this, then you'll not only help defensive barriers to crumble but will also bring a justified sense of optimism to future relationships, or one special existing connection.

June 5th to 16th 2023

The art of listening

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Mercury

Many people believe that 'good' salespeople possess something called 'gift of the gab,' they believe selling requires much discussion. Experienced salespeople learned long ago that the best way to sell something is to let the buyer do most of the talking. Such salespeople understand the power and benefits of listening.

That's the balance you need to strike now where a close personal relationship is concerned. There appears to be much to say, and some of it might be a bit on the intense side.

That's why listening is as important as speaking. Be receptive, fair and non-judgmental wherever possible.

July 7th to 21st 2023

There's sweetness to be had by working up a sweat

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal Mars, REPEATED when retrograde from 18th October 2023 to 3rd November 2023. Exact 26th October

Action always causes a reaction, and this applies where affairs of the heart are concerned. Relationships require attention and effort, we know that, and some lovely, heart-warming encounters are more than likely if you're willing to invest effort to make them happen. Be imaginative.

Consider fun to be had with outdoor or recreational activities. The more active you or your heart's desire can be together, the closer you look set to become!

July 10th to 25th 2023

Seeing the bigger picture

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Sun, REPEATED when retrograde from 14th to 30th October 2023. Exact 22nd October

There's something very satisfying about how a final piece of jigsaw puzzle fits into place. Once done, we see the complete picture of what we have painstakingly created. We are also aware though, of how much sorting and trial and error was involved in our creation.

That's why it's important you see a much bigger picture where a certain relationship is concerned. As much time and effort might be required to bring it to a satisfactory level. This can be done if you're willing to push aside a belief that a situation is too complex or will require more effort than you're willing to give.

July 18th 2023 onwards to August 5th 2023

Just be yourself

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Venus, REPEATED when retrograde from 3rd to 21st October 2023. Exact 13th October

Throughout our lives, there are times when we become aware of others suddenly becoming friendlier and nicer to us. Sometimes, we have no idea why this should suddenly happen as we didn't believe we were doing anything different in any way.

What you can expect soon is a noticeable feeling that you're sought after in more than one way. Your bank manager is likely to respond more positively toward you. However, it is in a romantic capacity that you're likely to discover the most pleasing and heart-warming development! Just be yourself now and let a bit of luck take care of the rest.

Stabilizing or Stimulating Trends

Saturn trends from 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

December 13th 2022 onwards to January 4th 2023

Only fools rush in

Transiting Saturn Trines your natal Pluto

Fools, we understand, tend to 'rush in.' Sometimes, there's something exciting about pushing aside caution and 'leaping into the unknown.'

Impulsiveness often comes at a price. We end up having to retrace our steps to do whatever-it-was properly. In an area of your personal world, endurance and persistence is required.

Bringing about the change you want and need to see will require concentration, hard work, careful planning and steady action. There could be perceived benefits to change happening quickly, but life tends to bring us down to Earth with a bump all too frequently with a very clear message: all positive change is gradual.

You're in a superb position to bring about significant, long-term transformation where you want it. All you need to do is set about achieving it is to take a calculated risk that allows for a realistic timescale.

January 24th 2023 onwards to February 10th 2023

Making necessary space

Transiting Saturn Squares your natal Uranus

Nature, we know, abhors vacuums. Where space gets created, nature is usually intent on filling it.

That's why we shouldn't fear or be resentful toward what gets removed from our respective worlds. Often, it happens to make space for something – or someone – better or more appropriate.

In your personal world, conflict exists between what is 'old' and 'new'. You could be clinging to an outdated idea, attitude or person and if you're not already experiencing a need to make one or two difficult decisions, then you're likely to shortly.

Whilst in the throes of this unstable period, all you need to do is apply patience and be flexible. Accept the need for change and reasons behind anything or anyone you become distanced or separated from.

Up-and-coming or Messy Trends

Uranus trends from 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

October 20th 2022 onwards to April 17th 2023


A New Way of Working

Uranus transits your natal 10th house

The phrase, 'daily grind' relates to a tedious or monotonous job. Perhaps, you can relate to such a scenario in the past, but there's unlikely to be anything painfully predictable about your professional life now. The same applies to how you choose to be seen by others professionally, too. You're adopting a new mindset regarding your definition of success and the way you intend to achieve it. If you sense you're drawn toward unusual or unorthodox careers or ways of performing a current role, then your instincts deserve to be trusted. You might also be uninterested in achieving what everyone else is striving to achieve and won't want your ambitious or professional pursuits compared to theirs. Have absolute faith in your ability to apply some 'out of the box' thinking to your career and that any out-of-the-blue developments you encounter along the way will play an integral part in getting you to where you want to be.

April 17th 2023 onwards to June 15th 2031


Magic Within Chaos

Uranus transits your natal 11th house

We've all seen enough evidence in our time to accept that the best-laid plans can go awry. Accepting this fact of life can help you to understand the need to relinquish preconceived notions about your ability to control specific outcomes. You're encouraged to see the magic within chaos and serendipity. As frustrating as both might be, they can also be exciting. You're about to feel more reassured that unforeseen developments can send us in helpful directions we might have never considered. By accepting life's curveballs as opposed to resenting them, you'll be able to come up with innovative – and potentially brilliant - ways to overcome what others perceive as unhelpful and untimely setbacks. This will be essential to making at least one cherished aspiration become real.

June 27th 2023 onwards to October 31st 2023


Individualistic Ideas

Transiting Uranus Retrograde Conjuncts your natal Chiron

Chances are, your love life has probably been anything but old-fashioned. You probably possess strong, individualistic ideas about commitment and intimacy, and finding a partner who shares your ideals might not be easy, especially someone in it for the long-term. It could be your insistence on personal freedom that doesn't connect well with prospects for long-term intimacy sometimes. However, although you might have encountered and could continue to encounter periods of loneliness, that could be a price you have paid or are willing to pay to be with someone you truly connect with rather than settle for someone you know isn't suitable. This could cause you to nurture regrets about missed opportunities or ending relationships that perhaps stood a chance if you gave them a chance. You're encouraged now to release yourself from past upsets and focus instead on forming or strengthening a bond that is unique and special. If you've found one, then protect it. If you've yet to find one, then past lessons will be integral to helping you give as much effort as you can to protect it.

Awareness or Tedious Trends

Neptune trends from 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

March 13th 2023 onwards to May 12th 2023

Remove the façade to uncover the dream

Transiting Neptune Trines your natal Uranus, REPEATED when retrograde from 19th August 2023 to 11th November 2023. Exact 27th September

Pinocchio had a failsafe way of letting people know when he was telling untruths. Once this was identified, there was no doubt about whether what he was saying was truthful. It clearly was not. Other people not only enjoy being liberal with truth but begin to believe their untruths over time. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, there is an element of truth in what you're being told.
There is also more than an element of magic in what is happening around you now, but you might need to invest some effort to see through a façade of sorts. If you can do this, then a dream will start to show signs of becoming a reality. You don't need to wish upon stars though. All you need to do is keep a wish alive within your heart and have absolute faith in it becoming yours.

Restarting or Fading Trends

Pluto trends from 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

November 2nd 2021 onwards to March 26th 2033


Potentially Overbearing

Pluto transits your natal 7th house

You might wonder anyone would want to be in a relationship that ticks along predictably when connections with others are far more enjoyable when they're intense and changeable. You might believe anything less means you're simply scratching the surface where forming or strengthening relationships are concerned, and you see no point in doing that. This all-or-nothing attitude could draw you toward powerful, passionate and enigmatic individuals. However, be realistic about how feasible it is to sustain an intense relationship. You could be unaware of how even the most resilient person might find the intensity you bring to a connection overbearing. Unless you learn to focus your ardent energy in less domineering ways, relationships will probably be fun only while they last.

Forecast from 8th November

Friday 11th November

The importance of choosing wisely

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 11th to 13th November 2022. Exact 12th November

The phrase 'falling in love' is a curious one. The word 'falling' implies we have little control over what we're experiencing and have no other option than invest huge amounts of faith in the fact that we'll be safe. Interestingly, we're often told to be careful about what we 'fall' for, meaning there is a risk that we could end up being deceived or duped.

In your personal world now, it's important to be careful about what – or whom – you're potentially 'falling' – or wishing - for. This isn't due to a possibility that you won't get what you want. It has much more to do with you likely attaining what or who you want only to discover that you should have been seeking something or someone else. In deciding, you needn't be specific.

Neither do you need to make grand or far-reaching plans for the future. You do, however, need to be discriminating and should you choose to pursue a particular plan or dream, be certain it feels right from the outset. An incorrect choice could result in a situation that might take you a long time to free yourself from.

Sunday 13th November

The answer needs to come from the heart

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 13th to 15th November 2022. Exact 14th November

Computers will always do as they're told. They can't think for themselves, even if it appears they can. Any decisions they make on our behalf are made according to a program. If 'X' occurs, then the computer knows to implement 'Y.'

With that in mind, consider certain conclusions you're reaching now. Are they being made in such a cold and calculated way? There's nothing wrong will applying logic to what needs sorting now.

However, logic needs to be mixed with what your heart is telling you and therein lies the reason for potential conflict. Your heart needs to play a bigger part in a decision you're making now.

Allow it more room to do so and the balance between what it is saying and what logic is saying will be restored. In your personal life now, that's precisely the balance that you need.

Wednesday 16th November

See the funny side

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 16th to 19th November 2022. Exact 18th November

Comedies, in the film scriptwriting world, are known as 'personal dramas.' That's because what's happening to the main character is hilarious to those watching the film but isn't the least bit funny to the main character. What they're doing, or undertaking is serious, and the attainment of success means much to them.

In your personal world, you're about to find a reason to laugh or at least smile at something within all that seems too serious and challenging.

Steer clear as best you can of others' opinions on a certain matter. Aim to identify truth within a situation. Above all, see what's amusing within the chaos. Despite seemingly impossible situations, ludicrous challenges and ridiculous dramas, there is a reason to smile and your ability to do this will help you to see exactly what you need to do.

Friday 18th November


Equal terms

Transiting Mars Retrograde Trines your natal Pluto from 18th to 25th November 2022. Exact 22nd November

Are you feeling a need to prove yourself in some way? Or, in what way is someone expecting you to justify your position? There is a need for a crucial conversation or some level of debate or discussion to happen. There's a deal to be done and an agreement to be reached.

For you to truly benefit from this, you need to lose any belief that you are beholden, subservient or inferior to a certain person. Enter this discussion believing you have something valuable to say and offer.

If you can remain positive and sensitive, then a balance can be created between you and someone else where you have, for some time, believed an imbalance existed.

Saturday 19th November

Confidence is key

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 19th to 22nd November 2022. Exact 21st November

We know how attractive confident people can be. We know how attractive we feel when people are appreciative of us and our abilities. In your relationship world now, you're about to experience a much-needed boost to your confidence, and this has strong implications regarding what you can make happen that you truly want to make happen.

Guard against a perceived need to use extreme measures to achieve this, though. What you're experiencing now is the result of having pushed your luck in the past. You don't need to find a big, 'new' solution. All you need to do is channel confidence into allowing an existing solution to give itself a chance to work – and it will!

Sunday 20th November

You can't fail to impress now

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 20th to 21st November 2022. Exact 21st November

Experienced magicians can impress others because of countless hours of practicing. The same can be said about musicians. To do something impressive usually takes considerable time to perfect. How frustrating it must be for them when some people overlook how much time and effort has been invested to perfect their talent or skill.

In your relationship world now, you can not only make something wonderful happen but can also impress more than one person with how you do it. You're about to make a decision that alters an unsatisfactory situation beyond recognition. The process though is not as instant as it may appear.

You've had to go through an intense trial and error period, but now that you have perfected, in your mind, a way forward, you cannot fail to impress others - including yourself!

Saturday 26th November

Remain on the side-lines

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 26th to 29th November 2022. Exact 28th November

It can be frustrating when we believe ourselves able to see what someone else cannot. A way forward might be crystal clear to us yet, for some reason, someone else simply cannot connect with it.

When this happens, some people feel inclined to take the reins and control of a situation, hoping to guide the person they believe to be misguided or oblivious to the right decision or destination.

Avoid a tendency now to believe you know what's best for others or a certain person in your world. By all means, show understanding, be willing to be supportive and compassionate but consider the fact that some people have their own agendas and are determined to stick with them.

That doesn't make either of you 'wrong' but, as much as you might believe yourself to be best placed to provide guidance or encourage someone to reconsider a belief, you could gain so much more now from stepping back and letting others do what suits them.

Tuesday 29th November

Right here, right now is what matters

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Pluto from 29th November 2022 to 1st December 2022. Exact 1st December

There is much to be said about adopting a 'right here, right now' attitude now. As keen as you might be to ensure something is put in place now that will facilitate a much happier and brighter tomorrow, it is what's happening here and now, particularly where your relationship world is concerned, that needs the most attention.

Don't succumb to the need to hasten a process that is unfolding in its own way and time. Despite how results and progress you wish were more encouraging or visible appear somewhere in the far-off distance, it's important you trust that you are in the throes of a very positive and transformative process. Soon, your current situation will appear vastly different.

That, however, is going to be the result of the process working on your behalf that cannot be rushed. Focus instead on here and now in the knowledge that change you yearn for is coming, and very soon.

Forecast for December 2022

Thursday 1st December

The key to happiness is yours

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Pluto from 1st to 4th December 2022. Exact 3rd December

It's both easy and natural for us to want what we haven't got. When we become aware of an absence, we start to identify ways in which we might be happier if only we had what is missing. The other side of the proverbial coin involves wishing something was removed from our world, believing life would be simpler and happier without it.

In your personal world now, you are being granted an exceptional opportunity to be happy. To seize and benefit from this opportunity, all you need to do is stop focusing on what might go wrong in a certain situation.

Avoid succumbing to a tendency to be overly cautious or pessimistic. If you are willing to relax and believe wholeheartedly that an uncertain situation can and will improve, then you can expect to be surprised at how much quicker happiness starts to permeate your world.

Friday 9th December

Seeing a situation as it really is

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Jupiter from 9th to 11th December 2022. Exact 11th December

If you're not seeing eye-to-eye with a certain person or are aware that tension is escalating between you and someone else, then coming developments are going to do much to help.

That doesn't necessarily mean that such help won't bring with it further tension because a certain situation might need to worsen slightly before it can be improved. Think of the saying about the need to break eggs sometimes!

There appears to be uncertainty between you and someone else about an arrangement and where this goes from here. You are not as trapped as you might believe you are though.

If you're willing to make progress and improve an arrangement that may no longer be valid and in need of updating, then a superb opportunity exists to do so now. The key to achieving this lies with you not seeing an issue as being bigger or more daunting than it really is.

Sunday 11th December

Don't succumb to 'que sera sera'

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Pluto from 11th to 14th December 2022. Exact 13th December

Are you in control of a particular outcome or do you feel as if 'whatever will be, will be'?

Even if it feels as if unseen forces are at work to encourage you toward a particular outcome, and you have no option other than to allow yourself to end up wherever it is you're going to end up, it is essential that you have absolute faith in the fact that you do possess the ability to influence a situation that (understandably) gives the impression of being immovable or inflexible.

In your personal world, it is time to overcome a fear. Once done, you will be superbly placed to take control of whatever has appeared to control you and then turn a daunting situation into one that becomes much more inspiring.

Tuesday 13th December

Confidence in measured doses

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 13th to 15th December 2022. Exact 15th December

We hear people say that they or others 'don't know their own strength.' Throughout history and in popular culture, there have been many characters who possessed superhuman strength and, despite being able to make spectacular things happen, often found themselves wishing they were a bit more delicate or sensitive.

In your personal world now, you are being blessed with an impressive ability to cause things to happen with the sheer force of your will. This, combined with an ability to be smart and generally lucky, is putting you in a very strong position. Be careful.

Avoid any tendency to be unnecessarily forceful or overly determined. Where your relationships with certain people – and likely one person in particular – are concerned, you can achieve a spectacular result. Be realistic and confident. But not too confident!

Wednesday 21st December

Removing the window dressing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Pluto from 21st to 24th December 2022. Exact 23rd December

Beauty, we know, is skin deep. However, particularly in society today, such emphasis is put on making what we see so appealing. In the same way we know we shouldn't judge books by covers, you may be placing too much emphasis on a quality or factor which is not as valuable or as relevant as it seems.

If you want to achieve or attain something that is truly and deeply satisfying, then you need to care less about something that doesn't deserve the levels of attention you appear keen to give it.

To bring about a much-needed change in this respect, a tense or potentially difficult conversation needs to be had. You might even discover you possess the courage to say a few things you've been afraid to say or chose, for reasons known best to yourself, to keep hidden.

Provided you're willing to see an unsatisfactory or disguised situation for what it is, be resolute toward improving it in whatever way you deem fit and say what you know needs to be said from the depths of your heart, then you can be assured you will have nothing whatsoever to be apologetic or regretful about.

Sunday 25th December

Pushing obsession aside

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 25th to 28th December 2022. Exact 27th December

Something is fascinating you. Whatever it is, appears to matter a great deal to you. Why does it matter? The answer to that question has much to do with how much emphasis you're putting on it – and a seemingly strong desire you have to give it so much attention. In your personal world now, you're being pushed in a very distinct direction and to make a decision.

You're encouraged strongly to make a choice and, to do this, it's important you accept what or whom might have become an obsession and why you need to be more objective. To make progress, you need to curb a tendency to think of nothing else than the one issue or person that occupies so much of your thinking time.

This is a time to gain perspective and make decisions based on fact or at least what feels truly right and sensible and not be bullied into following a path of least resistance simply because it appears an easier or most prominent option.

Monday 26th December

You can rebuild it

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Jupiter from 26th to 29th December 2022. Exact 28th December

Weightlifters understand the concept that building muscle requires muscle fibers to be broken down and allowed to rebuild during a healing process. When they rebuild themselves, they are bigger, better and stronger than before.

The analogy holds some relevance in your personal world now. Something needs to be broken down and rebuilt in some way, but it is important you focus on how much better a situation or arrangement will be from having done so.

If something feels right and makes you feel confident and assured, then chances are it doesn't need much of your attention. Focus instead on what you know to be uncertain or unstable. It can be fixed provided you're willing to instigate necessary change that can both heal and strengthen what needs healing or strengthening.

Thursday 29th December

Knowledge is power

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Uranus from 29th to 31st December 2022. Exact 30th December

Some peoples' sweet smiles often conceal hidden agendas. We can't always tell who is supportive of us and who has plans to scupper our plans. In your relationship world now, there is strong likelihood that someone has an unconscious agenda of doubt or mistrust.

The good news is, there is little you need to do to encourage what has been hidden into the open. Little effort on your part is required to make right what has been wrong of late.

You're about to be in a stronger and more knowledgeable position through information that will come to light shortly. It might not have you punching the air with joy, but you will be grateful for the fact that you will soon be in a much stronger position to know precisely what you will need to do next.

Forecast for January 2023

Sunday 1st January


Removing the window dressing

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Pluto from 1st to 4th January 2023. Exact 3rd January

Beauty, we know, is skin deep. However, particularly in society today, such emphasis is put on making what we see so appealing. In the same way we know we shouldn't judge books by covers, you may be placing too much emphasis on a quality or factor which is not as valuable or as relevant as it seems.

If you want to achieve or attain something that is truly and deeply satisfying, then you need to care less about something that doesn't deserve the levels of attention you appear keen to give it.

To bring about a much-needed change in this respect, a tense or potentially difficult conversation needs to be had. You might even discover you possess the courage to say a few things you've been afraid to say or chose, for reasons known best to yourself, to keep hidden.

Provided you're willing to see an unsatisfactory or disguised situation for what it is, be resolute toward improving it in whatever way you deem fit and say what you know needs to be said from the depths of your heart, then you can be assured you will have nothing whatsoever to be apologetic or regretful about.

Friday 6th January

Dare to dream

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Jupiter from 6th to 8th January 2023. Exact 8th January

Do you dare to dream? Do you risk pursuing any of the wild ideas likely occupying your thoughts now? The answer to both questions is undoubtedly 'yes.' Dream as much as you dare to. Entertain as many of the wild ideas as you can because, in your relationship world now, one or two dreams or ideas will lead you toward a very clever move.

You're entering a time that promises to be more rewarding than you probably suspect, and once you see evidence of rewards, you're likely to want more. Is there a downside to this? The only point to consider surrounds possible belief on your part that any inch should be seized and made into a mile.

At least one tempting possibility is presenting itself, and through your confidence being boosted, you might be oblivious to how charismatic you appear in the eyes of certain others. Go with the flow now and avoid the tendency to be forceful or overly determined. Let what is unfolding naturally do so in its own way while continuing to dream and let ideas create themselves.

Tuesday 10th January

A storm in a teacup

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Pluto from 10th to 13th January 2023. Exact 12th January

We understand that the bark of some dogs is more of an issue than their bite. We also know how some people can talk incessantly or authoritatively but actually say very little.

Somewhere in your personal world, an annoying point of conflict is making itself known, or presence felt. It intends to ensure you take it seriously and won't take kindly to being ignored.

You, on the other hand, have the upper hand. While the issue is keen to ensure it receives the attention it deserves, you have a choice about how much of an issue you want it to be and how much of your time and attention you believe it deserves.

By all means, acknowledge the issue but see it for what it really is – a mere storm in a proverbial tea cup.

Saturday 14th January

A turning point, not a backward step

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Uranus from 14th to 17th January 2023. Exact 16th January

There are times when we have no option other than to push a point. We are all capable of accepting or tolerating a situation to a certain point and then it becomes clear that something must 'give.'

Within your personal world now, you could be increasingly aware of how you might have been too quick to reject something - or someone – you previously felt so able to accept. This is causing you to doubt your judgment about a particular matter and possibly believe yourself to be illogical, impractical or inconsistent.

It's important to understand that you have finally reached a turning point in some way regarding an agreement or arrangement. It's also important that you believe this is extremely positive and worth celebrating, not a cause for consolation.

Wednesday 18th January

Bring it out into the open

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 18th to 21st January 2023. Exact 20th January

People talk about skeletons residing in closets. They speak of issues being swept under carpets. There are always issues we prefer to keep hidden, but we know, in our hearts, when certain issues deserve to see the light of day. We owe it to ourselves and those closest to us to allow what needs to be brought out into the open to no longer be hidden under a veil of secrecy.

In your personal world, your attention is being drawn to a fact that must be faced. You can ignore it for a little while longer but be assured that, very soon, you will have to give it attention. When this happens, it will be good news.

Facing what needs to be faced will expose what has been kept secret for too long and cease to cause you to feel as if you're obliged to pretend you're comfortable in a situation that makes you feel otherwise. It's time to pursue an opportunity that you simply haven't felt was viable and, by finally doing so, you will achieve what or whom you truly desire - and deserve!

Sunday 22nd January

Stepping up to the plate

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 22nd to 24th January 2023. Exact 23rd January

Sometimes, we feel a need to instigate change for the sake of instigating change. Other times, we do this to send a clear message to certain people that we are in control of ourselves or situations when we believe perception exists otherwise. In your personal world now, there exists a need to create a 'mini-revolution.'

In some way, you have been restricted and held back for too long, and you're very aware of what has become unacceptable within a situation or arrangement. You're being granted an ability to express yourself now and while the urge to rebel is likely intensifying, so too is a perceived need to remove yourself entirely from an undesirable scenario.

Soon, what doesn't make sense will make sense. For now, trust how you're being challenged and all that appears awkward is helping you to re-evaluate everything. Once done, you will bring about the very change you've long wanted to see happen.

Tuesday 24th January

An investigative adventure

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Jupiter from 24th to 27th January 2023. Exact 26th January

Do you own a deerstalker hat, curved Calabash pipe, and a magnifying glass? Anyone donning or holding these items would be easily identifiable as Sherlock Holmes and, in an area of your personal world now, need exists for you to become a sleuth of some kind.

There's a need to acquire information, canvass opinion and research every aspect of a particular story. You probably have your suspicions about the outcome of your efforts but are also aware of dangers surrounding being too impulsive - or assumptive - now.

What you need to confirm requires effort on your part to uncover what needs to be uncovered or identify what is waiting to be identified. Then, once you've finished your fact-gathering exercise, you can expect to find yourself surprised and then delighted in some way with what you discover.

Forecast for February 2023

Friday 3rd February

Removing the window dressing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Pluto from 3rd to 5th February 2023. Exact 4th February

Beauty, we know, is skin deep. However, particularly in society today, such emphasis is put on making what we see so appealing. In the same way we know we shouldn't judge books by covers, you may be placing too much emphasis on a quality or factor which is not as valuable or as relevant as it seems.

If you want to achieve or attain something that is truly and deeply satisfying, then you need to care less about something that doesn't deserve the levels of attention you appear keen to give it.

To bring about a much-needed change in this respect, a tense or potentially difficult conversation needs to be had. You might even discover you possess the courage to say a few things you've been afraid to say or chose, for reasons known best to yourself, to keep hidden.

Provided you're willing to see an unsatisfactory or disguised situation for what it is, be resolute toward improving it in whatever way you deem fit and say what you know needs to be said from the depths of your heart, then you can be assured you will have nothing whatsoever to be apologetic or regretful about.

Monday 6th February

It's 'here and now' that matters

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Uranus from 6th to 8th February 2023. Exact 8th February

Grass often appears greener on the other side of fences. Much often appears preferable in another place – or time! Is there something you wish you could turn the clock back now to do differently than you did way back when? In the same way it is unhelpful to be pondering the past, and what you could have done differently, it is equally unhelpful to be in too much of a rush to alter the future.

It is what's happening here, and now that needs your attention and deserves to be enjoyed and celebrated, despite how a situation may appear.

You're on the brink of a very valuable and helpful discovery where your relationship world or with a certain person is concerned. Let what's unfolding continue to do so in the knowledge that you will soon have something to be very glad of.

Wednesday 8th February

Cut the niceties and let truth reveal itself

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Pluto from 8th to 11th February 2023. Exact 10th February

Sometimes, we hear what people say but can't help wonder what it is they really mean. Other times, we're painfully aware of how easily some people can avoid discussing a particular issue.

There are also people who want to listen but fail to grasp the concept of real, meaningful communication.

In your personal world, you're likely retracing old ground where a discussion with a particular person is concerned. Where there has been little in the way of progress previously, it is through an urgent, pressing reason presenting itself now that a need to cut niceties and exchange truth exists.

It's time for you and you-know-who to 'come clean.' Believe it is best that this has happened later than not at all and it is not too late to have the discussion that needs to be had.

Monday 13th February

Push is coming to shove

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Uranus from 13th to 15th February 2023. Exact 14th February

Somewhere in your personal world, 'push' is about to meet 'shove.' It is only a matter of time before both come together.

You have the option to wait and see what happens when these two collide. Like any collision, there's a very strong possibility you'll not find the experience pleasurable to view or be part of.

That's why it's important you see the signs, smell the coffee or and read writing on the proverbial wall. You can bring about a change that will alleviate much of the potential stress or damage in a relationship by taking action before you're left with no alternative other than to accept what's likely to occur.

Take control and allow yourself to feel more powerful. You can do it and, when you do, you'll discover how powerful and influential you really are.

Tuesday 14th February

Happily ever after

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Jupiter from 14th to 16th February 2023. Exact 15th February

Most leading fairy tale characters tend to live 'happily ever after.' Whether or not they did is something we will never know. All that we know is, one chapter in their respective worlds ended and another began and, in your world now, something awkward or tense has ended, and something better is beginning.

If you're not already seeing evidence that life is becoming sweeter, noticeably more sensible and logical, then you will soon enough. This can only have a very positive knock-on effect to your relationships and with one person in particular.

Positive and encouraging news is on its way to you, and this should help you to strike a deal or implement an arrangement of agreement that has needed discussion for some time. All you need to do is be receptive to making the positive change.

Wednesday 15th February

The power of imagination

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 15th to 17th February 2023. Exact 16th February

What do we mean we say someone is 'imaginative' or 'creative'? We tend to associate such words with possessing artistic or musical abilities, yet there are many people who possess no writing, artistic or designing abilities who are blessed with potent imaginations.

Sometimes, to make progress when we feel we're struggling, we have no option other than to apply some creative thinking and, in your personal world now, that's precisely what you're being encouraged to do.

Through adopting an open mind and being willing to apply imagination, you're extremely well placed to set your personal, emotional or romantic life on a firmer, more meaningful - and hopefully less stressful – footing. To achieve this, you need to take a brave step into the unknown and, by applying imagination and creativity you're blessed with now, can achieve wonderful and heart-warming success.

Thursday 23th February

A sprinkle of realism

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Jupiter from 23rd to 26th February 2023. Exact 25th February

Throughout our lives, we're encouraged by certain others not to get 'too carried away.' Such advice is often given by well-meaning folk who seem to think we are at risk of disappointment or being foolish. We learn from experience that if we set our sights slightly higher than what we want, we invariably end up getting what we want.

In your relationship world, balance is needed between overconfidence and realism. You are being given reason to be confident and optimistic. That's fine, provided you have both feet on the ground where certain aspirations are concerned.

Look closely at what you want to make happen and then apply a sprinkle of realism regarding realistic timescales. Provided what you want is right and appropriate, then it will come to you. Avoid any tendency to be unnecessarily forceful or overly determined.

Friday 24th February

A valuable discovery is the catalyst to transforming a situation

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 24th to 26th February 2023. Exact 25th February

We can be surrounded by many people yet feel alone. Feeling alone can be heightened enormously when we're struggling because support we need from one or two people not being forthcoming. This means you're having to tackle a certain issue singlehandedly and aren't exactly over the moon with having to do so.

The good news is, you are very capable of tackling on your own what needs to be tackled. It is the discovery of a certain piece of information that will boost your confidence.

Once done, you will feel confident enough to face certain issues or individuals you've feared facing. You'll be more inclined to bring out into the open what has been conveniently brushed under a proverbial carpet.

This new-found confidence, combined with real desire to bring about a significant change to a certain situation, will result in very positive and necessary transformation where you have long wanted to see it.

Monday 27th February

You can fix what needs fixing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Uranus from 27th to 28th February 2023. Exact 28th February

For us to 'fix' something, we need to identify in what way or ways it is broken. In the same way a doctor cannot give a diagnosis or prescription without being clear what remedy is needed, we can only fix what needs fixing if we understand what needs fixing and why.

In your relationship world, a drama is unfolding. It is through knowing how a certain situation can be adjusted or rearranged that offers the greatest and most effective way to improve it.

Ignore the desire to be somewhere else. Removing yourself is not an option or solution. The solution surrounds more meaning or depth given to a tired situation, and that's precisely what you can bring.

Have faith in the fact that you can make a situation better and time is on your side to achieve this.

Forecast for March 2023

Saturday 4th March

Equal terms

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Pluto from 4th to 9th March 2023. Exact 7th March

Are you feeling a need to prove yourself in some way? Or, in what way is someone expecting you to justify your position? There is a need for a crucial conversation or some level of debate or discussion to happen. There's a deal to be done and an agreement to be reached.

For you to truly benefit from this, you need to lose any belief that you are beholden, subservient or inferior to a certain person. Enter this discussion believing you have something valuable to say and offer.

If you can remain positive and sensitive, then a balance can be created between you and someone else where you have, for some time, believed an imbalance existed.

Wednesday 8th March

Let it be

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Pluto from 8th to 10th March 2023. Exact 9th March

What or who has you so 'fired up'? What or who possesses such fascinating and hypnotic qualities that you're likely struggling to think clearly? What is needed now is clarity. Before that can become available though, effort on your part is needed to extract fact from fiction and reality from fantasy.

That doesn't mean you're wrong to dream or even pursue whatever or whoever it is that has you so captivated or fascinated. But if it isn't becoming increasingly clear that you need to be more motivated and less manipulative, then such clarity will come soon enough. To get what or whom you truly want, you'll have to let go slightly.

Try to care less but believe more that whatever is for you won't pass you by. Trust your deepest instincts now and let a process unfold in its own way and time. Relax and avoid the tendency to control what needs to happen naturally.

Tuesday 14th March

Embrace the chaos

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Uranus from 14th to 17th March 2023. Exact 16th March

Sometimes, when we become aware of a need to 'sort something out,' we discover there could be benefits to going above the call of duty and making a situation more chaotic or disrupted to sort it out properly.

The same can be said about an area of your personal world now. Allow chaos trying to present itself to do so. Embrace the unusual, the unpredictable or even what appears downright disruptive. We lead lives that tend to be very orderly and predictable. You're being encouraged to allow and accept disruption in your world now and look likely to be grateful for it.

It's time to alter a situation, arrangement or agreement that has been stale and static for too long. Be willing to invite some chaos and, once the proverbial dust settles, you look set to make more than one valuable discovery.

Wednesday 15th March

Think it through

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 15th to 17th March 2023. Exact 16th March

Sometimes, we feel inclined to cause a stir or upheaval just to see what happens. We reach a point where we become bored with how predictable or devoid of opportunity a situation appears to have become and decide to shake things up a bit.

That's fine, provided we accept the consequences of doing so - and blame for it should fingers be pointed our direction! If you feel inclined to shake things up a bit in your relationship world, then feel free to do so.

Be aware though that action will always cause a reaction and you will need to accept responsibility for change you instigate. Be sure you want change before you take the action you're considering taking now.

Tuesday 21st March

Keep your Wish List simple

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Jupiter from 21st to 22nd March 2023. Exact 22nd March

We're sometimes told to be 'careful what we wish for.' Rarely do any of us make wishes flippantly or without some level of consideration. If we believe something is worth wishing for, then it gets added to the list because we have at least one reason to believe we want it.

In your relationship world now, you are easily influenced but what you're expecting is likely to happen – so expect the best! Don't allow yourself to be influenced negatively.

It is important though that your expectations are reasonable. Don't get carried away with too many ideas about what you want or what might make your world vastly better. Focus on what you know you want, need and why you want and need it. That message alone will help to ensure you attain it.

Saturday 25th March

Avoid going to extremes

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Jupiter from 25th to 28th March 2023. Exact 27th March

Do you need a telephone box to get changed in? Or is your superhero suit something you wear beneath your clothing to make yourself available to save the day at a second's notice?

You could, at this time, believe yourself to be superhuman and inclined to reply and respond to cries for help from certain quarters or a particular person. Some of these might be genuine but be assured that some of them are not.

Your judgment of a situation in your personal world could be regarded as extreme. You could convince yourself that a seemingly extreme situation requires extreme measures. It's important you accept your limitations. It's not your responsibility to go to great lengths to prove a point or yourself in some way.
Relax and accept that a more relaxed and softer stance will be much more beneficial to you and others.

Tuesday 28th March

Tackle it confidently

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Pluto from 28th to 30th March 2023. Exact 29th March

The word 'worry' is, interestingly, derived from the Anglo-Saxon word 'weirgan' which means 'to strangulate.' We all know how worrying about something is counterproductive yet somehow manage to continue doing it.

In your relationship world, you could be identifying a reason to worry or feel a sense of panic. It's possible a fear is being nurtured. Even if you feel such feelings are justified and very real, circumstances are encouraging you now to accept that an issue needs to be faced and dealt with confidently.

It requires action, not fed with fear. You can tackle what needs tackling and, provided you're willing to bring the issue out into the light where it can be seen clearly and put in place a strategy to resolve it, then success is assured.

Forecast for April 2023

Tuesday 4th April

All it takes is one tiny spark…

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Jupiter from 4th to 9th April 2023. Exact 7th April

It takes two to tango. It also takes at least two people to experience confrontation or conflict. You're dealing with a sensitive situation where your relationship with a certain individual is concerned, and it's important you don't underestimate how a single spark can create a conflagration now.

The more you can smile, be supportive and sensitive, the more you can avert a tense and unnecessary confrontation that there is every sign of being potentially overblown.

Thursday 6th April

Looking beyond the present

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Uranus from 6th to 8th April 2023. Exact 7th April

Are you aware of your heart beating noticeably faster? Are you also aware of what's making you feel restless or causing a bit more tension in your world than you wish there was? In your relationship world now, you appear to be experiencing as much pleasure as you are pain in some way. In some ways, this is good.

In others, it is far from desirable. What needs to be removed now is indecision, uncertainty, and denial. In amongst all of the above is a genuine reason to be happy and feel optimistic. Avoid the tendency now to focus so intently on immediate dramas and be willing to focus on a much bigger picture. This includes the development you yearn to see happen in your emotional world. Keep reaching for it because it is genuinely attainable.

Monday 10th April

Bring it out into the open

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Pluto from 10th to 12th April 2023. Exact 11th April

Artists know when to walk away from their masterpiece. As tempting as it might be to add another dab of paint here or there, they reach a point where they know enough is enough and further adding will risk ruining what they've worked hard to create.

In your personal world now, there is more going on than meets the eye. A need exists for you to get right to the root of a particular issue and, to do this, you're going to have to know when the time is right to cease 'adding' to it. You're going to have to dig deep within your inner wisdom to know when to step back and decide that you don't want to add any more to something that needs nothing more added to it.

This will require you to face up to a few difficult facts. Something needs to be brought out into the open and exposed – without secrecy or hidden agendas that might have been a part of it until now.

Once you're able to look at the issue objectively and fairly, you'll soon see how much easier it is to make progress and bring considerably closer a cherished goal you've long wanted to be within reach.

Saturday 15th April

Dare to dream

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Jupiter from 15th to 17th April 2023. Exact 16th April

Do you dare to dream? Do you risk pursuing any of the wild ideas likely occupying your thoughts now? The answer to both questions is undoubtedly 'yes.' Dream as much as you dare to. Entertain as many of the wild ideas as you can because, in your relationship world now, one or two dreams or ideas will lead you toward a very clever move.

You're entering a time that promises to be more rewarding than you probably suspect, and once you see evidence of rewards, you're likely to want more. Is there a downside to this? The only point to consider surrounds possible belief on your part that any inch should be seized and made into a mile.

At least one tempting possibility is presenting itself, and through your confidence being boosted, you might be oblivious to how charismatic you appear in the eyes of certain others. Go with the flow now and avoid the tendency to be forceful or overly determined. Let what is unfolding naturally do so in its own way while continuing to dream and let ideas create themselves.

Friday 28th April

Bring it out into the open

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 28th to 30th April 2023. Exact 29th April

People talk about skeletons residing in closets. They speak of issues being swept under carpets. There are always issues we prefer to keep hidden, but we know, in our hearts, when certain issues deserve to see the light of day. We owe it to ourselves and those closest to us to allow what needs to be brought out into the open to no longer be hidden under a veil of secrecy.

In your personal world, your attention is being drawn to a fact that must be faced. You can ignore it for a little while longer but be assured that, very soon, you will have to give it attention. When this happens, it will be good news.

Facing what needs to be faced will expose what has been kept secret for too long and cease to cause you to feel as if you're obliged to pretend you're comfortable in a situation that makes you feel otherwise. It's time to pursue an opportunity that you simply haven't felt was viable and, by finally doing so, you will achieve what or whom you truly desire - and deserve!

Forecast for May 2023

Wednesday 3rd May

Bring out the objectivity

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Pluto from 3rd to 7th May 2023. Exact 5th May

People often speak about 'obsession.' Is obsession healthy or unhealthy? Many would argue it is unhealthy, especially when it causes us to cross a line deemed acceptable or appropriate.

That's why you need to stand back in some way now. If you're able to resist the temptation to give your all to someone or something, then you will at least be able to gain some objectivity. That's what's important to you now: your ability to be see a romantic or relationship in an unbiased and realistic way.

Distance yourself from someone or something in the knowledge that, if you can create distance, even briefly, then you are better placed to move forward toward it in the future when it suits you to do so.

Wednesday 10th May

Putting your heads together

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Uranus from 10th to 15th May 2023. Exact 13th May

Two heads, we are told, are better than one. We also understand that many hands make light work. Fortunately, you and a certain person don't need help from others to make something special happen now.

The two of you can make something wonderful happen without intervention from others. But, for this to happen, you're going to have to put your heads together in some way.

Doing so will bring about an idea or revelation that will beg for your attention and bring about a change that will delight you.

Thursday 11th May

Confidence in measured doses

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 11th to 14th May 2023. Exact 13th May

We hear people say that they or others 'don't know their own strength.' Throughout history and in popular culture, there have been many characters who possessed superhuman strength and, despite being able to make spectacular things happen, often found themselves wishing they were a bit more delicate or sensitive.

In your personal world now, you are being blessed with an impressive ability to cause things to happen with the sheer force of your will. This, combined with an ability to be smart and generally lucky, is putting you in a very strong position. Be careful.

Avoid any tendency to be unnecessarily forceful or overly determined. Where your relationships with certain people – and likely one person in particular – are concerned, you can achieve a spectacular result. Be realistic and confident. But not too confident!

Monday 15th May

The danger of making assumptions

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Uranus from 15th to 17th May 2023. Exact 16th May

There's an old saying that goes 'never assume because doing so will make an ass out of you and me.' It's a somewhat clever play on the letters within the word, but we all know what problems can arise from making assumptions sometimes.

It's important you guard against certain expectations in some way now. You could be making at least one very large assumption and would be well advised not to treat anything as gospel without checking a few facts first.

A particular climate is volatile enough without being made more complicated through such errors of judgment. Don't hesitate to be a Doubting Thomas wherever possible and avoid, wherever possible, any temptation to jump to particular conclusions.

Friday 26th May

An investigative adventure

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Jupiter from 26th to 28th May 2023. Exact 27th May

Do you own a deerstalker hat, curved Calabash pipe, and a magnifying glass? Anyone donning or holding these items would be easily identifiable as Sherlock Holmes and, in an area of your personal world now, need exists for you to become a sleuth of some kind.

There's a need to acquire information, canvass opinion and research every aspect of a particular story. You probably have your suspicions about the outcome of your efforts but are also aware of dangers surrounding being too impulsive - or assumptive - now.

What you need to confirm requires effort on your part to uncover what needs to be uncovered or identify what is waiting to be identified. Then, once you've finished your fact-gathering exercise, you can expect to find yourself surprised and then delighted in some way with what you discover.

Also on Friday

Pushing obsession aside

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 26th to 28th May 2023. Exact 27th May

Something is fascinating you. Whatever it is, appears to matter a great deal to you. Why does it matter? The answer to that question has much to do with how much emphasis you're putting on it – and a seemingly strong desire you have to give it so much attention. In your personal world now, you're being pushed in a very distinct direction and to make a decision.

You're encouraged strongly to make a choice and, to do this, it's important you accept what or whom might have become an obsession and why you need to be more objective. To make progress, you need to curb a tendency to think of nothing else than the one issue or person that occupies so much of your thinking time.

This is a time to gain perspective and make decisions based on fact or at least what feels truly right and sensible and not be bullied into following a path of least resistance simply because it appears an easier or most prominent option.

Monday 29th May

Keeping the adrenaline surge in check

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 29th May 2023 to 2nd June 2023. Exact 31st May

We all crave excitement on some level. Excitement, we know, is something we often want more of, especially when we believe it to be lacking in an area of our world we wish contained more of the stuff that adrenaline surges are made of.

You are motivated by a need to boost excitement levels in some way and if this involves a certain person or potential suitor, then be aware of how heavy-handed your keenness to do so may come across. Give them time to come to terms with and prepare for what you're expecting of them.

Tuesday 30th May

The power of imagination

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 30th May 2023 to 2nd June 2023. Exact 1st June

What do we mean we say someone is 'imaginative' or 'creative'? We tend to associate such words with possessing artistic or musical abilities, yet there are many people who possess no writing, artistic or designing abilities who are blessed with potent imaginations.

Sometimes, to make progress when we feel we're struggling, we have no option other than to apply some creative thinking and, in your personal world now, that's precisely what you're being encouraged to do.

Through adopting an open mind and being willing to apply imagination, you're extremely well placed to set your personal, emotional or romantic life on a firmer, more meaningful - and hopefully less stressful – footing. To achieve this, you need to take a brave step into the unknown and, by applying imagination and creativity you're blessed with now, can achieve wonderful and heart-warming success.

Forecast for June 2023

Wednesday 7th June

Focus on the bright side

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Uranus from 7th to 9th June 2023. Exact 8th June

We often hear people speak of something called 'Murphy's Law.' This old saying applies to whatever can go wrong, going wrong. Such situations usually take us by surprise, and such a surprise is not usually one we welcome.

You can, if you wish, become despondent or resentful about a certain development but, before you do, look at how it is unlikely to have been prevented. You know something wasn't 'right' or needed improving so look closely at how a setback is spurring you on in some way.

You have no reason to feel depressed, defeated or desperate. It is time to let go of an old expectation and focus on numerous benefits attached to starting afresh in some way.

You're in the throes of reassessing and re-evaluating what - and whom - matters most to you and will soon see how gloriously bright your future is.

Saturday 10th June

Confidence is key

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 10th to 13th June 2023. Exact 12th June

We know how attractive confident people can be. We know how attractive we feel when people are appreciative of us and our abilities. In your relationship world now, you're about to experience a much-needed boost to your confidence, and this has strong implications regarding what you can make happen that you truly want to make happen.

Guard against a perceived need to use extreme measures to achieve this, though. What you're experiencing now is the result of having pushed your luck in the past. You don't need to find a big, 'new' solution. All you need to do is channel confidence into allowing an existing solution to give itself a chance to work – and it will!

Sunday 11th June

Cut the niceties and let truth reveal itself

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Pluto from 11th to 13th June 2023. Exact 12th June

Sometimes, we hear what people say but can't help wonder what it is they really mean. Other times, we're painfully aware of how easily some people can avoid discussing a particular issue.

There are also people who want to listen but fail to grasp the concept of real, meaningful communication.

In your personal world, you're likely retracing old ground where a discussion with a particular person is concerned. Where there has been little in the way of progress previously, it is through an urgent, pressing reason presenting itself now that a need to cut niceties and exchange truth exists.

It's time for you and you-know-who to 'come clean.' Believe it is best that this has happened later than not at all and it is not too late to have the discussion that needs to be had.

Tuesday 13th June

Happily ever after

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Jupiter from 13th to 15th June 2023. Exact 15th June

Most leading fairy tale characters tend to live 'happily ever after.' Whether or not they did is something we will never know. All that we know is, one chapter in their respective worlds ended and another began and, in your world now, something awkward or tense has ended, and something better is beginning.

If you're not already seeing evidence that life is becoming sweeter, noticeably more sensible and logical, then you will soon enough. This can only have a very positive knock-on effect to your relationships and with one person in particular.

Positive and encouraging news is on its way to you, and this should help you to strike a deal or implement an arrangement of agreement that has needed discussion for some time. All you need to do is be receptive to making the positive change.

Wednesday 21st June

A valuable discovery is the catalyst to transforming a situation

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 21st to 23rd June 2023. Exact 22nd June

We can be surrounded by many people yet feel alone. Feeling alone can be heightened enormously when we're struggling because support we need from one or two people not being forthcoming. This means you're having to tackle a certain issue singlehandedly and aren't exactly over the moon with having to do so.

The good news is, you are very capable of tackling on your own what needs to be tackled. It is the discovery of a certain piece of information that will boost your confidence.

Once done, you will feel confident enough to face certain issues or individuals you've feared facing. You'll be more inclined to bring out into the open what has been conveniently brushed under a proverbial carpet.

This new-found confidence, combined with real desire to bring about a significant change to a certain situation, will result in very positive and necessary transformation where you have long wanted to see it.

Saturday 24th June

Do what you fear most, and your fear will disappear

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Pluto from 24th to 28th June 2023. Exact 26th June

Despite how things may appear, you are not as alone as you perhaps believe yourself to be. You have assistance available to you, even if you cannot see it.

This is unlikely to be in the form of a person but it more likely to manifest from within you and without intending to wax lyrical about an issue that is probably causing you to be fearful, you can make something special happen now where your relationship with a certain person is concerned if you're willing to abandon a fear.

Does that sound more difficult than it's likely to be? Provided you can summon determination to overcome it while remaining calm and sensitive; you can remove a barrier and conquer a long-standing fear at the same time. This can only help you to embark upon or strengthen a relationship.

Monday 26th June

You can rebuild it

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Jupiter from 26th to 29th June 2023. Exact 28th June

Weightlifters understand the concept that building muscle requires muscle fibers to be broken down and allowed to rebuild during a healing process. When they rebuild themselves, they are bigger, better and stronger than before.

The analogy holds some relevance in your personal world now. Something needs to be broken down and rebuilt in some way, but it is important you focus on how much better a situation or arrangement will be from having done so.

If something feels right and makes you feel confident and assured, then chances are it doesn't need much of your attention. Focus instead on what you know to be uncertain or unstable. It can be fixed provided you're willing to instigate necessary change that can both heal and strengthen what needs healing or strengthening.

Wednesday 28th June

Seeing a situation as it really is

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Jupiter from 28th to 30th June 2023. Exact 29th June

If you're not seeing eye-to-eye with a certain person or are aware that tension is escalating between you and someone else, then coming developments are going to do much to help.

That doesn't necessarily mean that such help won't bring with it further tension because a certain situation might need to worsen slightly before it can be improved. Think of the saying about the need to break eggs sometimes!

There appears to be uncertainty between you and someone else about an arrangement and where this goes from here. You are not as trapped as you might believe you are though.

If you're willing to make progress and improve an arrangement that may no longer be valid and in need of updating, then a superb opportunity exists to do so now. The key to achieving this lies with you not seeing an issue as being bigger or more daunting than it really is.

Friday 30th June

The key to happiness is yours

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Pluto from 30th June 2023 to 4th July 2023. Exact 2nd July

It's both easy and natural for us to want what we haven't got. When we become aware of an absence, we start to identify ways in which we might be happier if only we had what is missing. The other side of the proverbial coin involves wishing something was removed from our world, believing life would be simpler and happier without it.

In your personal world now, you are being granted an exceptional opportunity to be happy. To seize and benefit from this opportunity, all you need to do is stop focusing on what might go wrong in a certain situation.

Avoid succumbing to a tendency to be overly cautious or pessimistic. If you are willing to relax and believe wholeheartedly that an uncertain situation can and will improve, then you can expect to be surprised at how much quicker happiness starts to permeate your world.

Forecast for July 2023

Saturday 1st July

Clearing the air

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Uranus from 1st to 5th July 2023. Exact 3rd July

Each of has a limit to how much we will tolerate regarding an undesirable situation. Some of us have long fuses. Others, well, it doesn't take much for them to air their frustrations or anger. You appear to be experiencing – or about to experience – an outburst of sorts that will make very clear where your or someone else's frustrations lie.

This frustration probably stems from a perceived obstacle that is hindering progress in some way. Let the air clear and you and you-know-who can put the tense episode behind you.

Wednesday 5th July

Removing the window dressing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Pluto from 5th to 7th July 2023. Exact 6th July

Beauty, we know, is skin deep. However, particularly in society today, such emphasis is put on making what we see so appealing. In the same way we know we shouldn't judge books by covers, you may be placing too much emphasis on a quality or factor which is not as valuable or as relevant as it seems.

If you want to achieve or attain something that is truly and deeply satisfying, then you need to care less about something that doesn't deserve the levels of attention you appear keen to give it.

To bring about a much-needed change in this respect, a tense or potentially difficult conversation needs to be had. You might even discover you possess the courage to say a few things you've been afraid to say or chose, for reasons known best to yourself, to keep hidden.

Provided you're willing to see an unsatisfactory or disguised situation for what it is, be resolute toward improving it in whatever way you deem fit and say what you know needs to be said from the depths of your heart, then you can be assured you will have nothing whatsoever to be apologetic or regretful about.

Friday 7th July

Think it through

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 7th to 9th July 2023. Exact 8th July

Sometimes, we feel inclined to cause a stir or upheaval just to see what happens. We reach a point where we become bored with how predictable or devoid of opportunity a situation appears to have become and decide to shake things up a bit.

That's fine, provided we accept the consequences of doing so - and blame for it should fingers be pointed our direction! If you feel inclined to shake things up a bit in your relationship world, then feel free to do so.

Be aware though that action will always cause a reaction and you will need to accept responsibility for change you instigate. Be sure you want change before you take the action you're considering taking now.

Also on Friday

Stepping up to the plate

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 7th to 13th July 2023. Exact 10th July

Sometimes, we feel a need to instigate change for the sake of instigating change. Other times, we do this to send a clear message to certain people that we are in control of ourselves or situations when we believe perception exists otherwise. In your personal world now, there exists a need to create a 'mini-revolution.'

In some way, you have been restricted and held back for too long, and you're very aware of what has become unacceptable within a situation or arrangement. You're being granted an ability to express yourself now and while the urge to rebel is likely intensifying, so too is a perceived need to remove yourself entirely from an undesirable scenario.

Soon, what doesn't make sense will make sense. For now, trust how you're being challenged and all that appears awkward is helping you to re-evaluate everything. Once done, you will bring about the very change you've long wanted to see happen.

Wednesday 12th July

A storm in a teacup

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Pluto from 12th to 15th July 2023. Exact 14th July

We understand that the bark of some dogs is more of an issue than their bite. We also know how some people can talk incessantly or authoritatively but actually say very little.

Somewhere in your personal world, an annoying point of conflict is making itself known, or presence felt. It intends to ensure you take it seriously and won't take kindly to being ignored.

You, on the other hand, have the upper hand. While the issue is keen to ensure it receives the attention it deserves, you have a choice about how much of an issue you want it to be and how much of your time and attention you believe it deserves.

By all means, acknowledge the issue but see it for what it really is – a mere storm in a proverbial tea cup.

Thursday 13th July

You can't fail to impress now

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 13th to 14th July 2023. Exact 14th July

Experienced magicians can impress others because of countless hours of practicing. The same can be said about musicians. To do something impressive usually takes considerable time to perfect. How frustrating it must be for them when some people overlook how much time and effort has been invested to perfect their talent or skill.

In your relationship world now, you can not only make something wonderful happen but can also impress more than one person with how you do it. You're about to make a decision that alters an unsatisfactory situation beyond recognition. The process though is not as instant as it may appear.

You've had to go through an intense trial and error period, but now that you have perfected, in your mind, a way forward, you cannot fail to impress others - including yourself!

Sunday 16th July

Embrace the chaos

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Uranus from 16th to 19th July 2023. Exact 18th July

Sometimes, when we become aware of a need to 'sort something out,' we discover there could be benefits to going above the call of duty and making a situation more chaotic or disrupted to sort it out properly.

The same can be said about an area of your personal world now. Allow chaos trying to present itself to do so. Embrace the unusual, the unpredictable or even what appears downright disruptive. We lead lives that tend to be very orderly and predictable. You're being encouraged to allow and accept disruption in your world now and look likely to be grateful for it.

It's time to alter a situation, arrangement or agreement that has been stale and static for too long. Be willing to invite some chaos and, once the proverbial dust settles, you look set to make more than one valuable discovery.

Friday 21st July

Right here, right now is what matters

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Pluto from 21st to 23rd July 2023. Exact 23rd July

There is much to be said about adopting a 'right here, right now' attitude now. As keen as you might be to ensure something is put in place now that will facilitate a much happier and brighter tomorrow, it is what's happening here and now, particularly where your relationship world is concerned, that needs the most attention.

Don't succumb to the need to hasten a process that is unfolding in its own way and time. Despite how results and progress you wish were more encouraging or visible appear somewhere in the far-off distance, it's important you trust that you are in the throes of a very positive and transformative process. Soon, your current situation will appear vastly different.

That, however, is going to be the result of the process working on your behalf that cannot be rushed. Focus instead on here and now in the knowledge that change you yearn for is coming, and very soon.

Monday 24th July

You can fix what needs fixing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Uranus from 24th to 26th July 2023. Exact 25th July

For us to 'fix' something, we need to identify in what way or ways it is broken. In the same way a doctor cannot give a diagnosis or prescription without being clear what remedy is needed, we can only fix what needs fixing if we understand what needs fixing and why.

In your relationship world, a drama is unfolding. It is through knowing how a certain situation can be adjusted or rearranged that offers the greatest and most effective way to improve it.

Ignore the desire to be somewhere else. Removing yourself is not an option or solution. The solution surrounds more meaning or depth given to a tired situation, and that's precisely what you can bring.

Have faith in the fact that you can make a situation better and time is on your side to achieve this.

Friday 28th July

Remain on the side-lines

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 28th to 30th July 2023. Exact 29th July

It can be frustrating when we believe ourselves able to see what someone else cannot. A way forward might be crystal clear to us yet, for some reason, someone else simply cannot connect with it.

When this happens, some people feel inclined to take the reins and control of a situation, hoping to guide the person they believe to be misguided or oblivious to the right decision or destination.

Avoid a tendency now to believe you know what's best for others or a certain person in your world. By all means, show understanding, be willing to be supportive and compassionate but consider the fact that some people have their own agendas and are determined to stick with them.

That doesn't make either of you 'wrong' but, as much as you might believe yourself to be best placed to provide guidance or encourage someone to reconsider a belief, you could gain so much more now from stepping back and letting others do what suits them.

Sunday 30th July


Stepping up to the plate

Transiting Venus Retrograde Squares your natal Uranus from 30th July 2023 to 5th August 2023. Exact 3rd August

Sometimes, we feel a need to instigate change for the sake of instigating change. Other times, we do this to send a clear message to certain people that we are in control of ourselves or situations when we believe perception exists otherwise. In your personal world now, there exists a need to create a 'mini-revolution.'

In some way, you have been restricted and held back for too long, and you're very aware of what has become unacceptable within a situation or arrangement. You're being granted an ability to express yourself now and while the urge to rebel is likely intensifying, so too is a perceived need to remove yourself entirely from an undesirable scenario.

Soon, what doesn't make sense will make sense. For now, trust how you're being challenged and all that appears awkward is helping you to re-evaluate everything. Once done, you will bring about the very change you've long wanted to see happen.

Forecast for August 2023

Tuesday 8th August


The key to happiness is yours

Transiting Venus Retrograde Sextiles your natal Pluto from 8th to 12th August 2023. Exact 10th August

It's both easy and natural for us to want what we haven't got. When we become aware of an absence, we start to identify ways in which we might be happier if only we had what is missing. The other side of the proverbial coin involves wishing something was removed from our world, believing life would be simpler and happier without it.

In your personal world now, you are being granted an exceptional opportunity to be happy. To seize and benefit from this opportunity, all you need to do is stop focusing on what might go wrong in a certain situation.

Avoid succumbing to a tendency to be overly cautious or pessimistic. If you are willing to relax and believe wholeheartedly that an uncertain situation can and will improve, then you can expect to be surprised at how much quicker happiness starts to permeate your world.

Saturday 12th August

Don't succumb to 'que sera sera'

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Pluto from 12th to 15th August 2023. Exact 14th August

Are you in control of a particular outcome or do you feel as if 'whatever will be, will be'?

Even if it feels as if unseen forces are at work to encourage you toward a particular outcome, and you have no option other than to allow yourself to end up wherever it is you're going to end up, it is essential that you have absolute faith in the fact that you do possess the ability to influence a situation that (understandably) gives the impression of being immovable or inflexible.

In your personal world, it is time to overcome a fear. Once done, you will be superbly placed to take control of whatever has appeared to control you and then turn a daunting situation into one that becomes much more inspiring.

Thursday 17th August

Push is coming to shove

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Uranus from 17th to 19th August 2023. Exact 18th August

Somewhere in your personal world, 'push' is about to meet 'shove.' It is only a matter of time before both come together.

You have the option to wait and see what happens when these two collide. Like any collision, there's a very strong possibility you'll not find the experience pleasurable to view or be part of.

That's why it's important you see the signs, smell the coffee or and read writing on the proverbial wall. You can bring about a change that will alleviate much of the potential stress or damage in a relationship by taking action before you're left with no alternative other than to accept what's likely to occur.

Take control and allow yourself to feel more powerful. You can do it and, when you do, you'll discover how powerful and influential you really are.

Friday 18th August

Keeping your distance

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Uranus from 18th to 22nd August 2023. Exact 21st August

What's needed now is space. Breathing space. Thinking space. Whatever you want to call it, clearly there is a need to allow distance between you and a certain person because an equilibrium is changing.

An arrangement is shifting and as positive as the process is, this shift is likely to manifest as differences being identified between you and another person. You have to adjust to this, and so are they. With change, upheaval and insecurity are never far behind.

Riding this one out is best done by allowing each other time and space to adjust to what's happening now.

Forecast for September 2023

Monday 4th September

Where is your effort needed most?

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 4th to 8th September 2023. Exact 6th September

Do you feel as if a need exists to reassess what - or whom - you want? Is the amount of effort you're investing in a relationship or pursuit of one worth it? Sometimes, Olympic athletes are very happy to walk away with a silver or bronze medal if gold is, for any reason, unattainable. There's nothing wrong doing that, either.

You're being encouraged to assess how likely it is you really will get what you want. You can either continue investing maximum effort or accept how downsizing your expectations slightly might bring you something you can be equally proud of.

Sunday 17th September

A turning point, not a backward step

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Uranus from 17th to 19th September 2023. Exact 18th September

There are times when we have no option other than to push a point. We are all capable of accepting or tolerating a situation to a certain point and then it becomes clear that something must 'give.'

Within your personal world now, you could be increasingly aware of how you might have been too quick to reject something - or someone – you previously felt so able to accept. This is causing you to doubt your judgment about a particular matter and possibly believe yourself to be illogical, impractical or inconsistent.

It's important to understand that you have finally reached a turning point in some way regarding an agreement or arrangement. It's also important that you believe this is extremely positive and worth celebrating, not a cause for consolation.

Tuesday 26th September

The key to happiness is yours

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Pluto from 26th to 29th September 2023. Exact 28th September

It's both easy and natural for us to want what we haven't got. When we become aware of an absence, we start to identify ways in which we might be happier if only we had what is missing. The other side of the proverbial coin involves wishing something was removed from our world, believing life would be simpler and happier without it.

In your personal world now, you are being granted an exceptional opportunity to be happy. To seize and benefit from this opportunity, all you need to do is stop focusing on what might go wrong in a certain situation.

Avoid succumbing to a tendency to be overly cautious or pessimistic. If you are willing to relax and believe wholeheartedly that an uncertain situation can and will improve, then you can expect to be surprised at how much quicker happiness starts to permeate your world.

Wednesday 27th September

Assessing the situation

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 27th September 2023 to 1st October 2023. Exact 29th September

Can you feel the pressure mounting? You appear to be experiencing pressure to take action, commit or undertake an obligation in some way now but the chances are high that you do not see the necessary bigger picture yet.

It's for that reason you ought to reserve the right to put the proverbial brakes on before committing in any way. Before you invest valuable time and energy where a certain relationship is concerned, stand back and take stock of what doing so might achieve.

There's a difference between taking the initiative based on careful thought and simply succumbing to pressure from someone else to do so. It's the latter you need to be 'live' to now.

Thursday 28th September

Some things cannot and will not be hurried

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 28th to 30th September 2023. Exact 29th September

It doesn't matter how much we shout at a tiny chute or seedling emerging from the ground, demanding it hurries up and grows. It has its own plan and fully intends to do what it wants and needs to do in its own time and way.

In your personal world now, what is it that you wish would 'hurry up' or manifest in ways that perhaps suit you only? Ask yourself why you feel so impatient or are possibly lacking in confidence.

You're better prepared for what's unfolding in an area of your personal world than you perhaps believe yourself to be. Refuse to doubt yourself, trust your judgment and allow your inner confidence to shine. You've every reason now to trust what you've learned from previous experience and not succumb to a perceived need that you are in need of assistance or guidance.

Let what's happening now continue to progress, and you'll soon see how ideal it is for you.

Forecast for October 2023

Sunday 1st October

Stepping up to the plate

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 1st to 5th October 2023. Exact 3rd October

Sometimes, we feel a need to instigate change for the sake of instigating change. Other times, we do this to send a clear message to certain people that we are in control of ourselves or situations when we believe perception exists otherwise. In your personal world now, there exists a need to create a 'mini-revolution.'

In some way, you have been restricted and held back for too long, and you're very aware of what has become unacceptable within a situation or arrangement. You're being granted an ability to express yourself now and while the urge to rebel is likely intensifying, so too is a perceived need to remove yourself entirely from an undesirable scenario.

Soon, what doesn't make sense will make sense. For now, trust how you're being challenged and all that appears awkward is helping you to re-evaluate everything. Once done, you will bring about the very change you've long wanted to see happen.

Also on Sunday

It's 'here and now' that matters

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Uranus from 1st to 2nd October 2023. Exact 2nd October

Grass often appears greener on the other side of fences. Much often appears preferable in another place – or time! Is there something you wish you could turn the clock back now to do differently than you did way back when? In the same way it is unhelpful to be pondering the past, and what you could have done differently, it is equally unhelpful to be in too much of a rush to alter the future.

It is what's happening here, and now that needs your attention and deserves to be enjoyed and celebrated, despite how a situation may appear.

You're on the brink of a very valuable and helpful discovery where your relationship world or with a certain person is concerned. Let what's unfolding continue to do so in the knowledge that you will soon have something to be very glad of.

Saturday 7th October

Consider your options

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 7th to 9th October 2023. Exact 8th October

When in restaurants, some people don't bother to read menus. They know what they want, possibly because they've had it before and what satisfied them previously is likely to do so again. You're now presented with an opportunity to alter an aspect of your relationship with a certain person. Before you can do so, you need to see what the celestial menu includes.

If you're willing to look beyond the obvious, then you'll see how it is possible to put in place a plan that can change more than what you believe is worthy of your attention. You have options, and that's what's being made clear – or clearer – now.

Before you take action that you're being encouraged to take, take time to review all of the options on the menu because you're bound to see something you like that you probably hadn't considered!

Friday 13th October

Allow inner strength to overcome vulnerability

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 13th to 16th October 2023. Exact 15th October

Are you feeling particularly sensitive now? Vulnerable? Emotionally volatile? If the answer to any or all of these is 'yes,' then that's good news.

You're about to invest a bit more faith in what your intuition is trying to tell you than you might be used to investing. If you're willing to push aside fear, guilt or any tendency to feel panic stricken or needy, then you'll soon hear, very clearly, what the message is from deep within yourself.

A decision doesn't need weighing up in the extensive ways you might feel inclined to offer it. You know what it is you need to do, but fear and uncertainty could be distorting the message in the same way a de-tuned television or radio is unhelpful.

You are right to expect tender moments and feelings of being unprotected or vulnerable. Make sure guilt, shame, embarrassment or fear play no part in what you're feeling though. Any attention they're given is misplaced, and the inner strength you're gaining now will ensure, very soon, that they play no part in what – and whom – you're now confirming does play an integral role in your future needs.

Sunday 15th October

Taking a brave step

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 15th to 17th October 2023. Exact 17th October

A moment of clarity is imminent. So too is a breath-taking transformation. With change imminent, you are understandably feeling some level of apprehension and, if you want to experience less, then it's essential you look closely at what – or whom – you're so anxious to retain control of. A situation in your relationship world needs reassessing and re-evaluating. This process will, undoubtedly, result in a revelation and a less than desirable situation becoming very different in a positive way once this revelation occurs.

This won't happen on its own though. It will require you to take action in a way you've possibly been reluctant to take previously. Don't fear what is unfolding now.

Don't fear a need to ask for help where you need it, either. What's happening is necessary and extremely positive. Once your apprehension and uncertainty clear, you will not need reminding of this.

Forecast Until 7th November 2023

Thursday 2nd November

Knowledge is power

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Uranus from 2nd to 5th November 2023. Exact 4th November

Some peoples' sweet smiles often conceal hidden agendas. We can't always tell who is supportive of us and who has plans to scupper our plans. In your relationship world now, there is strong likelihood that someone has an unconscious agenda of doubt or mistrust.

The good news is, there is little you need to do to encourage what has been hidden into the open. Little effort on your part is required to make right what has been wrong of late.

You're about to be in a stronger and more knowledgeable position through information that will come to light shortly. It might not have you punching the air with joy, but you will be grateful for the fact that you will soon be in a much stronger position to know precisely what you will need to do next.

Monday 6th November

The answer needs to come from the heart

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 6th to 7th November 2023. Exact 7th November

Computers will always do as they're told. They can't think for themselves, even if it appears they can. Any decisions they make on our behalf are made according to a program. If 'X' occurs, then the computer knows to implement 'Y.'

With that in mind, consider certain conclusions you're reaching now. Are they being made in such a cold and calculated way? There's nothing wrong will applying logic to what needs sorting now.

However, logic needs to be mixed with what your heart is telling you and therein lies the reason for potential conflict. Your heart needs to play a bigger part in a decision you're making now.

Allow it more room to do so and the balance between what it is saying and what logic is saying will be restored. In your personal life now, that's precisely the balance that you need.

Meghan's Planetary Positions

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

All times based on current location of Los Angeles, CA


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Conjuncts Mercury
Sun Semisextile Venus
Sun Semisextile Mars
Sun Trines MidHeaven
Moon Sextiles Mercury
Moon Squares Mars
Moon Conjuncts Jupiter
Moon Conjuncts Saturn
Moon Opposes MidHeaven
Moon Sextiles North Node
Mercury Conjuncts Sun
Mercury Sextiles Moon
Mercury Sextiles Jupiter
Mercury Sextiles Saturn
Mercury Sesquiquadrate Neptune
Mercury Trines MidHeaven
Mercury Conjuncts North Node
Venus Semisextile Sun
Venus Sextiles Mars
Venus Quincunx MidHeaven
Mars Semisextile Sun
Mars Squares Moon
Mars Sextiles Venus
Mars Squares Jupiter
Mars Squares Saturn
Mars Sesquiquadrate Uranus
Mars Squares MidHeaven
Jupiter Conjuncts Moon
Jupiter Sextiles Mercury
Jupiter Squares Mars
Jupiter Conjuncts Saturn
Jupiter Opposes MidHeaven
Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Chiron
Saturn Conjuncts Moon
Saturn Sextiles Mercury
Saturn Squares Mars
Saturn Conjuncts Jupiter
Saturn Opposes MidHeaven
Saturn Sesquiquadrate Chiron
Uranus Sesquiquadrate Mars
Uranus Trines Ascendant
Uranus Sesquiquadrate MidHeaven
Uranus Trines North Node
Uranus Opposes Chiron
Neptune Sesquiquadrate Mercury
Neptune Sextiles Pluto
Neptune Quincunx Chiron
Pluto Sextiles Neptune
Pluto Squares Ascendant
Pluto Quincunx Chiron
Ascendant Trines Uranus
Ascendant Squares Pluto
Ascendant Sextiles Chiron
MidHeaven Trines Sun
MidHeaven Quincunx Venus
MidHeaven Squares Mars
MidHeaven Opposes Jupiter
MidHeaven Sesquiquadrate Uranus
North Node Sextiles Moon
North Node Conjuncts Mercury
North Node Trines Uranus
Chiron Sesquiquadrate Jupiter
Chiron Sesquiquadrate Saturn
Chiron Opposes Uranus
Chiron Quincunx Neptune
Chiron Quincunx Pluto
Chiron Sextiles Ascendant