Attracting Prosperity
Tarot Reading
10 Cards $11.95
Some people seem to have the knack for making lots of money, and they don’t even give it a second thought. If you feel you’d like to be one of them, or you suspect you have an issue attracting prosperity, this reading is designed to help you hone in on potential prosperity issues so that you can confront and release them.
Simply select your cards and ask for some insights into how to attract a better level of prosperity into your life.
Get the answers to these questions:
- What are my feelings about money in general?
- How do I feel about people who have more money than I do?
- My feelings about my childhood and the resources we had?
- What were my childhood dreams about my future?
- What is the lifestyle I desire now?
- If I had unlimited wealth, what would I do with it?
- Why do I feel I have less money than I deserve?
- What is holding me back from having more money?
- What do I need to change about my attitude toward money?
- What can I do to bring more wealth into my life?