Classic Horoscope Spread
Tarot Reading
13 Cards $12.95
Of all the tarot spreads, the Horoscope Spread is probably the most comprehensive and informative. It covers important aspects of your life and the likely outcomes You simply must refer to the list explaining what each card position refers to (as you’d do with any other spread) to benefit from this amazing Tarot reading.
You can combine card meanings. If you want more information about your love life. Positions one, five, seven, and eight relate to you, your love life, partnerships, and sex, so when you consider those four cards together, you gain even more insight into your love.
If you want career and financial guidance, combine the meanings of houses two, six, eight, and ten. This way you gain multiple insights from just one reading.
A Horoscope Spread can also help you make sense of the future. The thirteenth card represents the outcome, so that helps you see how things might unfold.
In a reading that shows many problems, a positive outcome can be a sign that you will solve the problems and enter a better period.
Likewise, if the reading is overall positive and the outcome looks problematic, you can assume that the future will bring some downturns and that you should look for ways to solve problems before they become more serious.
Get the answers to these questions:
- Me and the impression I give to other people; How I feel about the situation being discussed? My physical self? Issues affecting me such as health?
- My finances? Earned income?
- My siblings and close friends. The way I communicate? Short, local trips?
- My mother and childhood foundation? My home? Emotional issues?
- My love life? My children? Creative projects and impulses? Pleasures?
- My job? My pets? My health?
- Partners? How partners feel about things? How I feel about partners?
- Sex? My partner’s resources? Debts? Insurance and taxes? Death?
- My philosophies and outlook on life? Education? Faraway travel?
- My career? My father and his legacy in my life? My achievements in the world?
- Friends? My long-term goals for the future?
- My subconscious mind? Hidden things? Dreams? Old enemies?
- The outcome?